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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. Now that Brickhorn pointed out Cruz not being in his own ads, I can't stop laughing about it. Don't remember seeing another campaign where that happened. Dude is so hated his own campaign people know that putting him in his ads will just piss people off even more.
  2. It will be interesting. I don't think there's gonna be a huge market for him because of the awful starts. Good luck to a gm explaining to their fan base that it's completely normal for their new 30 million dollar 3rd basemen to bat .200 for the first couple months of every season.
  3. When I was a kid, the Chili's Baby Back Ribs commercial convinced me that they were possibly the greatest food on earth. I begged my parents to go to one for months so I could try them. They finally gave in. I took one bite and my childhood ended. They were fucking terrible. They were baked in an oven after being drenched in liquid smoke. I couldn't even eat them. I'm honestly shocked they didn't make me eat the whole damn rack after whining about them for months. I guess they took pity on me.
  4. That cancels out the bad luck during qualifying.
  5. Starting 17th and winning by 19 seconds with 17 fastest laps was definitely luck.
  6. She’s up by more than 3 if she has cut his lead among white people in half. He has no chance with those numbers.
  7. I’m pretty sure attempted decapitation should be a penalty.
  8. A certain VP is rumored to be on tonight.
  9. He couldn’t put any weight on his leg, so him playing in a week seems not very likely.
  10. I don’t want to hope but those are 2 for 1 votes so they really hurt Trump.
  11. Also old people not being heavy Trump leans is gonna throw a surprise state or 2 to Harris.
  12. Yeah even is she’s off like in 2018, Trump is still fucked. Kamala is gonna win Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia just to rub it in. He can have Nevada because it don’t make a shit.
  13. Yeah, Vandy is better. Florida has better athletes, but their coach and offense are both terrible.
  14. Beck is going to cost them another game. He thinks he has a much stronger arm than he does.
  15. Same guy that got hurt against Tenn. He got benched early in the season for sucking, so it wasn’t a huge loss.
  16. He went to the locker room before the half with some kind of injury.
  17. He needs another year if they want him to do menial things like cover first base.
  18. Race might be pretty boring if it doesn’t rain. The top 4 had hell passing each other. Max was quite a bit faster than Leclerc and it took him 20 laps to get around him.
  19. Yeah half the shows on espn have copied the format of 4 or 5 people talking over each other about whatever topic they have blown completely out of proportion that day.
  20. Yeah it’s a thing. A lot of them stay in the interior cabins and only eat at the buffet, so it’s not as expensive as you would think.
  21. There are some crazy mofos in lake Travis. There are trump signs all along 71 in the right of way. My favorite are the vote biblical values ones.
  22. Somebody done threw away a perfectly terrible white man.
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