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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HoustonHorn

  1. Was working on a case involving a facility next door to ITC. I'm going to bet that meeting later this week doesn't happen - I'd guess they are worried about ITC completely blowing up. Crazy stuff.
  2. same here, glad you knew what to call them. I was just going to say shit's all fucked up.
  3. I'm guessing it's only a matter of time. He's just looking for the funds to do it.
  4. Obviously. The "threat" is towards UT, but there's not much of a threat there because anything he can say about Herman is from his time at OSU which hurts them much more than Herman/Texas CDC will ensure OSU handles this in house. ZS is desperate and has no future coaching opportunities which is all he knows how to do to earn a living. He wants a payout. I'm sure OSU will give him one and he can proceed to OD himself to death.
  5. This is my biggest issue. Same with MoaM. You are putting someone away to die in prison for a crime your day they committed. Make the fucking case beyond a reasonable sounds and without all the shady bullshit.
  6. Did you mean In,gonnaeato? Seems like that might be better for browsing the Stuff HEB Makes thread or one of the BBQ threads.
  7. Wrong. He is Rick Barnes. The Vols would have won, but coach Barnes spent the entire game arguing with jagoffs on a Texas message board instead of coaching.
  8. That's a sharp looking watch. I have my 15th coming up in a little over a month. I know my wife won't be getting me anything like that.
  9. You still have this? Will be there later this week and might be able to skip out and ski one day.
  10. Yeah it's crazy. I've never had an issue before on any golf tournament. Just called them and they basically said it's completely unavailable for computer streaming and there isn't a plan I can get that will allow for it.
  11. Thanks. That wants me to sign in to NBC Sports Gold which is $50. Doesn't seem to work with DirecTV at all - just says its not available to stream on a computer. I can record it though. So there's that. Will be great later when I get home and watch the ending and then I can go back and watch earlier action. Fuck DirecTV. This used to be really easy and available but now its just a huge clusterfuck. Luckily we just dropped AT&T and switched to Verizon for our phones. Time to switch TV service. What is the best option for TV these days? I think I have free TV with my Comcast/Xfinity internet. Should I just get that set up or go with something else?
  12. Wasn't meant to be a limitation really. Grew up watching B&B and the Simpsons and love many of the others listed here. Mostly just a quick top of the head list based on the fact my kids have BBs on alot and it wasn't one I ever watched before. I fucking love it and it seems very underrated when determining the "king of the hill" when it comes to animated series. Excited to watch some Dr. Katz SquiggleVision on YouTube - didn't realize the entire series was available. Probably why I love Bob so much. Deadpan/sarcastic humor is my dig. Will definitely check out some of the others above I haven't watched.
  13. Working today and want to have this on in the background. Is there a way to watch this online. NBC wants me to pay $50 and DirecTV sucks.
  14. Have only watched the first episode, but I hope he goes in a different direction. More about the countries and culture with his wit second. The Cuba episode came across very much about Conan. And it's funny but could turn into a funny Bourdain type show which would be fantastic
  15. Futurama should definitely be in the list. Squidbillies is also hysterical.
  16. Got a little dusty. Fucking amazing. Didn't like the gf. Neither did my wife.
  17. Maybe not wholesome, but subtle enough for kids under 12.
  18. I'm getting to this point. I love Family Guy. Amazing writing and creativity and edgy humor. I can't let my kids watch it because it goes too far and is too overt. The kids do watch BB all the time. A few SOBs here and there and offcolor comments they might pick up on, but certainly nothing worse than i say around the house. They are too young to pick up on the subliminal messages and just outright dirty stuff that only adults get. They like the stupid shit and wonder why I'm laughing at everything else. Really brilliant writing.
  19. I've never laughed harder, for sure. Amazing writing and timely and relevant topics handled in the most immature way possible to exacerbate the point. Fucking love SP. Pretty sure both those guys are geniuses.
  20. They are all great, Gene is tough to beat. Probably a tie between him and Bob for me. The complete deadpan kills me. Any Dr. Katz fans? I loved that show.
  21. Maybe I'm a sucker for puns and innuendo, but I think BB may be my favorite. I don't say that lightly considering the competition. BB may be the most underrated show of all time.
  22. See my post above. I really like mine. Comfortable while skiing, and I noticed an improvement in control.
  23. Awesome update. Thanks for the insight ^ as well.
  24. I watched the bottom half of it for 30 minutes during a conference call. I was scrolling down when I got on the call and I didn't even realize there was a top half. Still mesmerizing.
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