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Dr. Teeth

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Everything posted by Dr. Teeth

  1. Harris knew he had to sell it for the penalty. That’s all it was. He cowered and caused the head to head contact and sold the injury.
  2. Steve better get another 15 if this is targeting. I’m looking for a scene on the field.
  3. If they call that targeting, let’s end football.
  4. Pressure on the last play finally got into Harris’ head.
  5. Our coaches will probably never learn how to capitalize on success.
  6. That was an embarrassing 3 play set. Davis-like.
  7. We are treating Harris like teams use to treat Tebow. We are frustrated and instead of tackling him and playing sound, we just want to take hard hits on him that lead to penalties and missed tackles.
  8. This happens way too often to them that is it obviously poor coaching.
  9. Pete needs to see this play another 45 times before he decides.
  10. Another injured OL. Now we can make a third stringer look like Mike Munoz.
  11. Not only is he down. They should have called a late hit.
  12. At least we can finally act like we have been there.
  13. Does these motherfuckers have your attention, you overhyped high school stars!?!?
  14. How do we get caught like that. That’s exactly how these types of losses happens. They have nothing to lose. That is bad discipline. That is unacceptable.
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