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Dr. Teeth

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Everything posted by Dr. Teeth

  1. Sark better have the best group of plays of the year. He can’t go 3 and out.
  2. Collins did what no one wants to do to Harris: tackle him. Everyone wants to hit him. We are playing D like last year.
  3. If history is indication, we won’t come out of it regardless of how badly we are losing.
  4. We can’t get a rush on these guys. How in the hell is that possible with their injuries.
  5. They should stop calling it the 210 triangle of toughness.
  6. They need to stop forcing the kids with cancer to watch the Iowa offense.
  7. Dr. Teeth


    So if you think about it, we really lost to a top 25 team.
  8. Good thing he is funny. And playing this LSU team.
  9. Evan needs to be careful not to mess with the story that they just missed curfew getting back from PV.
  10. He makes one or two plays a game that makes you think he should be better than he is. Sometimes he puts together a game full of them but it is rare and he makes a lot more mistakes. Fool’s gold.
  11. Up 31, let’s help them get back in it with the worst play call for being up 31.
  12. Those kids aren’t getting more to play anywhere else with a history.
  13. Jimbo is going to look over after the first series and ask them if they have learned their lesson.
  14. It means if you want nonsense that no one else would report to air, you give it to Brian Jones.
  15. This is also why guys like Jimbo are closer to done than starting. Social media is far more harmful than even when Jameis was around. In the past, these four kids went out and Jimbo didn’t have to worry about it getting out. His lack of discipline didn’t matter and no one knew. This comes out after a huge win against Miami, it hurts the win and shows it is still the same old Jimbo.
  16. That’s why you pay all that NIL for all your starters at Nebraska. For 14 points at home against OU. 7 would have been a disaster.
  17. This is classic Jimbo if true. It seems like his is a disciplinarian but he isn’t. If these guys weren’t Freshman, they’d be playing. Hell, if it were Stewart alone, he’d be playing. But this sort of sends a message. But only Stewart would be a loss today. This is what he sold to these kids. This is the type of kid that wins him games. He flat out told kids he doesn’t care if they go to class if they win. Because the kids went and told others. I take that back, “assistants” told them so Jimbo couldn’t be the issue.
  18. Does this remind you of your days at Jacksonville, Urban? - Klatt, hopefully
  19. Weird to say because of the score, but ACU is beating the crap out of Mizzou. Outside of a couple of big plays, ACU looks better on the lines.
  20. Klatt doesn’t get enough respect for how good he is and he gets a lot.
  21. BD Wong was a random kid in KK 2. Just saying.
  22. Mr Miyagi has a young relative that didn’t like losing all that attention to Danielson. Or the girl he saved and we saw again last season is now experiencing some back issues resulting from the rescue. And SHE wants revenge!
  23. Finished it up. I think the finale made me extremely happy but it will definitely be an interesting season 6 (if it happens, not currently picked up).
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