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Dr. Teeth

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Everything posted by Dr. Teeth

  1. No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative, it’s gets the people going.
  2. Ok, we are up 21. Let’s go ahead and put in Juan Davis as QB and bubble wrap the rest of the QBs.
  3. Don’t you dare, sweet baby Jesus.
  4. Hulu appears to have increased rates on all plans today. They are really pushing just how much consumers are willing to pay. I believe this is the third hike in the last year.
  5. The 15 minorities that support Trump account for 65% of undecided voters on basic cable news channel panels.
  6. In case you were wondering why Elon bought twitter part 367: Taylor Swift isn’t trending.
  7. Ok, let’s not get crazy. The reason her endorsement is so important is because she speaks to intelligent women in the 18-35 demo. Most of her fans have grown up. They went to bed. But like I said, it’s just a gripe but happy to have it done.
  8. Only gripe is that this will be drowned out by the debate. This happening tomorrow makes a huge difference. But beggars can’t be choosers.
  9. Because it works. Easiest thing to do is scare a white, middle-class woman.
  10. This fucking country is so stupid they might actually feel bad for him and blame the angry black woman for making him look bad.
  11. Scored too soon. Can’t give this Iowa offense 6 seconds.
  12. Why is Tom Brady’s backup yelling at us?
  13. Did she just ask where this emotion was coming from?
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