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  1. We’ll get Donaldson from Ohio st in the spring portal.
  2. David pierce effect am I right
  3. these mfers are something else. cringe as fuck. lmao
  4. Thanks and paging Vic Mackey
  5. Does anyone have pics of this thicc chic. Rules dammmmit
  6. It’s dangerous when your drinking doubles thinking your eating pb cups
  7. chocolate vodka and screwball FTW. peanut butter cup drank
  8. because they're stupid bro
  9. Derka’s defense from surlyites about Rick Barnes is why I read surly. It’s like the key and peele skit about players names. It always makes me laugh. No offense to anyone.
  10. That key and peele skit is timeless and so true. I chuckle every time it’s used
  11. Big Texas bball fan- had to get it out of my system. I already feel better. Btw I was rooting for him but knew deep down it wasn’t going to work if we want to maximize our bball program.
  12. Have we fired this guy yet ?? The Charlie strong of basketball
  13. You would rather take a nap instead of watch Texas football??? I dont care who we play. Any Texas game is a blast. Enjoy all of them bud, season is not that long. When we play a name the score team, those are the best. Some of the least stressful games on the schedule and get to see the young players get time.
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