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Everything posted by yoshi

  1. Welp that explains it. Your rantings do sound like the rantings of someone who stands at intersections and yells at cars.
  2. ISIS is looking for a few good men. Sounds like you'd fit the mold.
  3. At some point you cross the line into getting a knock on your door by the secret service. Careful now.
  4. Heal from what? Believing everything CNN and MSNBC was spoon feeding you?
  5. I'm not trying to make any profound statements. So I'm not attempting to try to make anyone care what I have to say.
  6. Who the fuck is Jess Dweck and why should we care what rando's on twitter are posting?
  7. People that threaten to move to Canada never move to Canada. It's always empty promises.
  8. Well...bye
  9. So I wonder if their was a staff working pretend cash registers and if they were allowed to make eye contact with her.
  10. Put my dog down today. He was 17 years old. He's had dementia for over a year and he got to the point where he couldn't get himself around anymore. The terrible part of all this is that we put down another dog almost 2 years who had very bad dementia. She was 18. Annnnd we have one more dog left that is one month older than the dog we put down today and she also has dementia. So it's been going on about 3 years that we have been dealing with doggie dementia. It's terrible. We are going to have to take a break from owning dogs for a while after all this is over. We couldn't have asked for more having all 3 of our dogs live to be over 17 and be physically healthy all that time, but that freaking dementia is horrible. It's kind of a double edge sword when they live that long. This is all 3 of them in better days. The one on the left is the only one left.
  11. Who all went to this clusterfuck? Blockbuster Rockfest 1997. I was there. It's listed at #10 of the largest concerts ever. Hot as hell. I remember firetrucks hosing down the crowd.
  12. Love that they are all playing the bass. And of course you have the double bass.
  13. I'm not sure why the person admitted they were there to smoke pot. What an idiot.
  14. Nice meth sores
  15. There are lots of videos out there of these things exploding.
  16. yoshi

    Super Bowl LIII

    This is working out well
  17. yoshi

    Super Bowl LIII

  18. yoshi

    Super Bowl LIII

    Seek and destroy
  19. yoshi

    Super Bowl LIII

    Holy crap. That safety whiffed hard there.
  20. yoshi

    Super Bowl LIII

    That doesn't help their chances
  21. yoshi

    Super Bowl LIII

    The fuck was that Andy Warhol commercial?
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