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Everything posted by yoshi

  1. Pretty sack
  2. Pretty shitty on 3rd downs
  3. Long duc dong in the crowd for GA
  4. This is SEC defense?
  5. Huge cushion
  6. That was nice
  7. I had that punters haircut when I was 12 in 1987.
  8. This game is just strange at this point.
  9. That onside kick paid off well
  10. Recycling used to piss me off at my house because the city gave us very small totes (as in 24" long x 15" wide x 15" deep) and had us put our weekly recycling in that and set it by the curb each week. These totes were like 10 gallons and they wanted you to separate the stuff in it. My wife recycled so much stuff that it would always get backed up and end up as a pile of never ending trash in the corner of our garage until I would get pissed at looking at it and throw it all in the regular trash bin. Of course then it an argument would ensue with my wife about that. Last summer our city finally gave us rolling 96 gallon designated recycle bins. You can just dump all recyclables in there without having to separate things. Life is much better now.
  11. Yes, you are correct on that.
  12. I work with the guy with the beard in the pic below. He and his son rode out a direct hit by the 2013 Moore OK F5 tornado in a bank vault. They were running around doing errands that day and he went to the bank to deposit a check and the tornado came through. Everyone in the bank huddled in the vault and the bank got leveled except for the vault. Someone snapped this pic as they were all coming out. He has a pic of his Yukon that was out in the parking lot. Looked like a smashed tin can. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. Another coworker of mine wasn't so lucky though. Lost his house and his daughter at the elementary school where 8 kids died.
  13. Am I the only one who wants to try hufflepuffs and schnauzerhosen, and meet this glenpickle guy?
  14. This is another one of her stupid ass posts. Might just be me, but I'm guessing that spots on the girl's face are probably because she spent a lot of time in the sun during the summer since it's Sept. 3rd. Then her face looks better on Dec. 1st because she hasn't been spending much time at the lake in the fall. My wife's face does this every summer and then clears up on it's own during the winter. And it happens all for free! But of course the wows, likes, and loves and comments about where can I get some of that? Came rolling in on that post too. I know women desperately want to find that fountain of youth, but why do you have to throw out all common sense along the way? Everybody buy your wife or girlfriend some Nerium AD miracle cream for Christmas!!
  15. A girl I went to high school with that's in some kind of skin care pyramid scheme posted this today. And I'm sure the likes and wows will be rolling in all day on her post.
  16. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help your black ass?
  17. yoshi

    Motley Crue fans!

    Vince Neil has always been bad live. He skips words and shortens notes and his voice just doesn't translate to sounding good live. I'm guessing he's still having to trot himself out there because he's one of the celebrities that's in major debt.
  18. Praise the Lort!
  19. Fuck Urban Meyer's fake ass health issues.
  20. My father in law was taking me to see his new travel trailer today because it was so boring at their house that it was an excuse to get out for a minute. As we back out of their garage, he freakin side swiped the hell out of my truck. I saw for a split second that we were way to close to my truck and then, crunch. He wasnt even watching his side mirror and just backing out blindly because this all could've easily been avoided. I'm pissed because of all the hassle this is going to turn into now. I don't even enjoy going over there for holiday meals because their food is usually weird and mediocre. So we drive 4 hours round trip for a mediocre meal and a scratched and dented truck. Fun day.
  21. Ah c'mon haven't you seen any ghetto or Barrio movies? He's saying "what gang are claiming to be a part of mister?" If the guy claims to be a part of a rival gang then the gentleman asking the question will be forced to respond negatively.
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