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Everything posted by yoshi

  1. yoshi


  2. yoshi

    ISU vs. OU

    Haha. Murray crying for a flag. Fuck you.
  3. yoshi


  4. Exactly and that's why they are taking that defense. Get a couple of apologists on the jury and they have it made. Like I said, it's an insult.
  5. What a slap in the face to this guy's family. Playing the didn't comply with commands card. I guarantee that never happened anyway. I have no connection to any of this and I'm even insulted. Fucking cops.
  6. Fuck this whole angle about her being extremely tired after working a 12 hour shift and that exhaustion led her to shoot the guy. She wasn't pouring concrete, digging ditches or roofing houses for 12 hours. She was driving or sitting in a car for most of those hours. I worked 12 hour shifts for 14 years. It isn't that bad as long as you aren't doing manual labor on your feet the whole time. Which she wasn't.
  7. Little Dreamer at #73? Fuck the guy who came up with this list.
  8. Finished it. Great season, but now I gotta wait another year to see what happens. Season finale was just a "to be continued" episode.
  9. Why would anyone feel sorry for KU? They have basketball.
  10. Got 3 episodes in. I like what I see so far. Will easily finish this in the next day or 2.
  11. I kept waiting for all the violence. There wasn't a whole lot for a movie called A Most Violent Year.
  12. Joe- Nicolas Cage movie that came out in 2013. For all the crap that Cage puts out in the last several years, this movie was really good and worth watching. I'm blown away by the absolute POS dad of the kid that Cage is trying to help out. Unbelievable that the guy was a homeless dude that they pulled off the streets in Austin and this was his only role ever. That guy was so real.
  13. That is sad
  14. What the hell has happened to John Cusak? Is he in major debt like Nic Cage? He's making even worse straight to Netflix movies movies than Cage. Hell, I think there's even a straight to netflix movie starring Nic Cage and John Cusak. I watched Blood Money with John Cusak this weekend and he was just a sad shell of himself in that movie. Very low budget movie.
  15. The worst part of this story is that they named their kid Declyn.
  16. yoshi


    I like this season a lot. Good show.
  17. Little Dragon is a pretty awesome electronic band
  18. It's kind of nice to live a life where it's not stressful and doesn't take dedication to make it 3 years without being arrested.
  19. After I leave the parking lot at work, I feel like I'm just picking boogers the whole ride home.
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