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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. Guy I work with has a 2019 sport and it’s been a piece of shit
  2. 3 units 3 thermostats all set at 72. Fuck Ercot
  3. I know this isn’t a new car but is this a good deal? Overall thoughts? https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/inventorylisting/viewDetailsFilterViewInventoryListing.action?sourceContext=carGurusHomePageModel&entitySelectingHelper.selectedEntity=d404&zip=76262#listing=317479878/NONE
  4. And the dumbfuck kept standing in front of the cameraman
  5. Lots of longhorns here. Heading to Julian Serrano for dinner.
  6. Did porta potty girl tell you this?
  7. That actually sounds appetizing.
  8. Scarface said it best “I often wished I could save everyone, but I’m a dreamer”
  9. 50 mgs is typically prescribed
  10. No doubt brother. I got off the Tren but I have 4 bottles of Tren,test and mast mixed. Trying my hardest to not use it.
  11. Yes typically on Viagra but not on daily use Cialis. It’s hard for me to cum on Viagra though. I sometimes take both Cialis and Viagra even though you’re not supposed too.
  12. That song that Toby and Willie did is played in every Southern country bar. Guaranteed.
  13. Toby Keith
  14. My vision is kinda blurry anything else I should worry about?
  15. Which pussy you talking about?
  16. If we brought in planes how quickly would we control the air above Ukraine? How much superior is the F22 versus what Russia has?
  17. I’ve always enjoyed reading the Reddit threads about brother’s and sister’s fucking
  18. No doubt they had to pass from always being down but he was a man among boys. Stafford would just throw the ball in his general direction and megatron would just go get it.
  19. You don’t need an engineer if you have access to YouTube. I learned how to change the breaks on my truck.
  20. Stafford also had one of best WRs of this generation and arguably the greatest physically gifted at that position in Megatron
  21. Fuck OPs Stafford high school fanboy story. I want hear stories about Highland Park MILFS
  22. I’m a team player. I’ll wait my turn so you guys can get a nut. Hopefully there’s only about 10 of you in front of me
  23. Or just hangout here on Surly where 99% of you guys are Super Gay
  24. Lol. I never went all the way there asshole! Also been off tren for 6 months. Only test and primo.
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