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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. Hold on brother, you've been adamant that Urban is coming based on your sources. So where do you and your deer lease sources stand now?
  2. You can tell JJ truly believes what he is saying and not a lick of bullshit. He is a throwback to an older era of professional athlete. JJ>>>>>>>>>>>>Harden
  3. I'm going to the deer lease tomorrow. I'll ask my buddy, who's father's friend may have some intel. Be on standby.
  4. Whatever you do don't make the mistake of getting one of these as your first dog
  5. Looks like a video of UT football over the last 10 years
  6. Which one of y'alls Aggie friends was hanging out at Central Market? Didn't know you could graduate from there and earn enough for a Ferrari
  7. If we don't get CUM then we should hire the coach from Carthage.
  8. Yep and those bastards run 114 between Davis and trophy club like a motherfucker.
  9. Its definitely changed. A lot of those large lots on the northern boundary that buts up to Westlake are tear downs and million dollar homes have been going up. Same with the eastern boundary with Southlake. Western Westlake is zoned to KISD. Lots of small business owner money in keller. Owners of pool companies, roofing companies, concrete, etc. Obviously pilots too.
  10. Merry Christmas fuckheads
  11. How full is your inbox?
  12. Pot Roast, Pussy and Bordeaux is on the menu tonight
  13. Vaquero isn’t in Southlake. It’s in Westlake, big difference.
  14. Isn’t that 99.9% of surly posters
  15. It's only disappointing if you've actually believed anything from this guy
  16. What the fuck are you talking about?
  17. Did we get a fight lined up last night?
  18. I think we are all fucking around man.
  19. What do you think brownie? Futureman going to get you?
  20. I'm ok with that. I train at Mohler in Grapevine. We can do gi or no gi.
  21. No, his only fighting is a sword fight in the shower with all his fuckboy friends
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