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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. You must like Highschool Football and Horses
  2. Kerens makes Gun Barrel seem like Paris, France. Take a ride through Cherokee Shores in Payne Springs will make you miss Corsicana.
  3. Thats nice and all but this is Surly. We prefer to shit on things
  4. They also have an HEB.
  5. Mount Vernon is the only correct answer. Art Briles lives there and is beloved by the town folk.
  6. Far worse places than Corsicana. Hell they have a Starbucks, Chik fila and a home depot. Just go 10 miles east on 31 to Kerens and you'll see despair.
  7. You can find her on here. Surly can back me up on that
  8. Thats a true statement. She's been fuck by alot of guys
  9. Hey Urban. If you accept I'll allow u to fuck my wife and cum in her. No charge!
  10. Someone needs to edit thread title to [Heating up from page 120]
  11. Someone needs to get the FIRE CDC thread ready. This shit is getting old.
  12. What’s the difference between the first 99 pages and the last 17. What’s heating up?
  13. I’m more in the camp of Marcia Brady
  14. My cousin is a partner in a dispensary and grow shop in Oklahoma. He's insanely busy. Interesting business since you can't deposit cash into banks.
  15. I'll take Notre Dame's team and coach over the abortion we've had for the last 10 years. We would get ran off the field against that Clemson team without Trevor let alone beat them.
  16. What academy do u guys train at?
  17. Joel Robuchon pommes purée
  18. I'll bring my wife
  19. Don't feel bad y'all going to be rich. Like surly rich when he's finished
  20. Less confrontation more fucking
  21. I put a cock ring on before leaving for the day. Does that count?
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