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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. You must be new to Surly
  2. Old school Mondavi & Beringer are about as good as it gets from Napa for me. Maybe Diamond Creek too.
  3. Made some hamburgers from my steers. Grass finished.
  4. Are fans allowed to enter the transfer portal?
  5. Maybe thats why you don't get many snaps Jake
  6. Must be nice to be able to hit a WR in stride
  7. Getting it started this evening. The Gervais is a great sub $40 champagne.
  8. Westside Cafe has the best CFS in ft.worth. place is always packed. Great homemade desserts also.
  9. Just got done mowing. Have i missed anything? Is Tom Herman still our coach?
  10. Randall Cunningham Barry Sanders Randy Moss Antonio Gates
  11. We either win by 7 or lose by 7. Thats my prediction. Take it to the bank.
  12. Maybe Urban will be hired and they just won't tell Tom
  13. Just finished it because of you guys. Thought it was okay definitely not as funny as the original
  14. What the fuck does this have to do with firing Tom Herman? C'mon MAN!
  15. This all day. Sad these 2 are the best we have to offer.
  16. Wish they would of lured Tom Herman to the cabin.
  17. There's no way we lose to Baylor based on how great our practice was on Sunday.
  18. It's like posting Christina Ricci in the WTF Crush thread up in here. Hey man some of us like to live a little dangerously
  19. I have nothing to contribute
  20. Who needs Spring practice when you only need to practice on Sundays during the season
  21. We are counting on you. Don't let us down like Herman has.
  22. Buttermilk pie from New York Hill in Thurber is glorious especially after eating their CFS.
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