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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. Great question brother. I've been running gear off and on for 10 years or so. Just enjoying getting above my genetic ceiling. Some of it of course is vanity and probably insecurities that I have being a skinny guy growing up. Now I blast and cruise. 20 weeks on and 20 weeks just trt. Definitely some worries about the long term sides but I do get my bloods checked regularly.
  2. Keep it up brother. We're proud of you.
  3. Ugl and I monitor my bloods myself on cycle and submit bloods on reddit steroids. I also go to my doctor and do regular bloodwork plus test and estrogen twice a year. 200 mgs o a week of test cy or e gets me to 1100 to 1200 on test.
  4. Tell me about your personal experience with gear and cycles brother, I say that honestly and non confrontational. We are all on this thread on different paths but we are all here to learn and hopefully get good feedback plus some positive motivation. I've been running gear here and there for 10 years. I've ran just test, high test & low tren, high test high tren, lots of npp which I prefer over deca, test & primo, used mast as a finisher with anavar, etc. I'm no expert all I can do is just describe what I do or have done. I'm regularly on reddit steroids which is a very good and popular channel for people on gear.
  5. To add the mental sides are really kicking in along with insomnia and sweating.
  6. I do bloods regularly. The low deca dose is for joint relief. TRT level test while adding anabolics is very common especially with tren. It's my third tren cycle. 600mgs a week is also common for someone who has previous cycles under their belt. For many guys 600 is a sweet spot.
  7. I find that intermittent fasting works and can be a long-term lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight. I know more people who've been able to lose weight, keep it off using intermittent fasting as a true lifestyle change versus keto.
  8. Really starting to feel the mental sides of tren. I'll save you all from what I'm experiencing since it's probably nsfw.
  9. By shooting the girl with the knife did the cop not save a black life?
  10. Sorry to hear brother. Lost my dad 7 years ago to cancer. Feels like yesterday.
  11. I hit my 220 goal. I’ve decreased test to 200mgs a week, decreased deca down to 100 msg a week and have added tren e. Started at 400 mgs spit mwf upped it to 600 mgs mwf.
  12. Get er done brother. test primo eq is perfect for what your wanting. https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/ good info.
  13. I’m 41. I would have your test checked first and see if you need TRT. There’s is a lot more than just picking up some gear and injecting it. Workouts are longer, nutrition needs to be dialed in, bloods checked regularly, managing estrogen, what’s your goals, are you going to blast and cruise or blast and do pct? Is this to achieve aesthetics or pure strength and get mass? Do you have a good source? Are you okay being a pin cushion depending on the ester. You need to be in pretty good shape before starting. Definitely in the under 15% bf and it be legit plus a great foundation already built. Most people underestimate their bf.
  14. What's your workout look like? 6 days a week PPL. Sometimes I’ll take another day off. Super high volume medium weight for hypertrophy. Off cycle and just cruising on Test then less volume shorter workouts.
  15. Keep up the great work guys/gals. I’ve transitioned from NPP to Deca and will be adding 200 mg of Tren weekly split between 2 injections. Sitting at 215. Still at 4500 calories a day. Estrogen is bouncing back.
  16. I agree with you brother on the 90/10. Speaking of gear got my bloods back this morning and I crashed my estrogen. Backing off arimidex by .5 tab. Also needing to donate blood again. Hematocrit came in at 53. Just donated 2 weeks ago. Whats interesting about the Super low Estrogen is I don't feel lethargic or having ED issues. Ended my Dbol and just on Test & Npp at this point. Over 1 gram combined.
  17. Nutrition is 75% & Exercise is 25%. Starts in the kitchen. Thats what I tell people when they ask me about getting fit. You see lots of people in the gym everyday doing cardio & some weight training but seem to never change their body composition. I would also add what's important is having a plan/program to follow so you can chart your progress. Many people go to the gym and just kinda do this or that everyday.
  18. I've been back in the gym full time since June. Getting my first vaccine shot this morning.
  19. Yes sir. To much to take care of plus trying to spend time at the bigger place in Trinidad and the house on the lake.
  20. I'm selling 100 acres with a 2400 sqr foot Barndo 45 minutes outside of Dallas. Meeting my realtor Saturday. Going to be interesting what he wants to price it at.
  21. Errestaurants


    Gonewild Swingersgw Cuckhold
  22. I like Greg Doucette's pancake recipe. I use cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread and add a scoop of vanilla whey powder. Walden farms zero calorie syrup is pretty good.
  23. I’ve hit a wall and kinda perplexed. On my post on the first page I described I’m doing a bulk to 220. I’m having trouble getting past 210 even after upping my calories from 4100 to 4300. I’m getting my blood work results back Friday. I’ve upped the test from 600 to 700, npp is still at 150 mwf and upped the dbol to 80 mgs a day pre-workout. Got about 8 weeks left.
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