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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. Brother, if I came across confrontational in any way in my response I apologize definitely didn’t mean for that. Gear is AAS (steroids)only way you can “cut” weight and maintain strength or even gain strength. Testosterone, Trenbolone and Anavar is a classic recomp cycle for that. I was commenting on your comment that in losing 30 pounds would be a hidden strength gain.
  2. Thanks for sharing brother. We all take different paths on this journey of health and fitness. Cutting out alcohol 99% really makes a big difference. The one thing about losing 30 pounds and that being a hidden strength gain isn't going to be necessarily true. Anytime you lose that much weight you will lose strength also unless you are on gear. When you lose weight it isn't 100% fat and water. There will be muscle loss. If we are talking about a test tren anavar cycle then yea you can lose weight and not strength.
  3. A lot of people draw with a 20 and pin with a 25. I pin and draw with the same needle unless I’m doing like 3 cc’s of say test and npp that I load together then I’ll draw with a 20 to save time. If you’re doing the injecting yourself I’d do delta and ventros. I pin upper glute, ventro, delts, lats and upper chest. Stay away from quads in my opinion.
  4. Good for you brother. What did he prescribe? Test E or Cyp? How much mg?
  5. What you have is pretty much true.Track your calories daily. If you want to cut then 500 below maintenance daily. Bulk then 500 above maintenance daily. If you're on gear then we are talking a little different program. Shoot for .75 to 1 gram of protein per pound body weight. I see to many people only doing cardio but weights are your best friend. Building muscle is what is important to looking and being fit
  6. In my experience most GP have no clue with this kind of stuff and don't want to prescribe Test. You will probably be referred to an Endocrinologist. Are you having ED or low libido issues? You will be asked that question. 100 points below the reference range is definitely low. There are now so many online companies that make it easy. Roman, Defy, etc. They will give you 150 to 200 a week and you do the injections. I cruise and blast test throughout the year. 200mgs for 20 weeks then 600 for 20 weeks. This is test cyp. 2 injections split evenly 2 days a week.
  7. Once you get into ketosis you typically want to stay. Eating a sandwich with "regular" bread will break it. That's what makes keto very difficult as a forever lifestyle versus something to lose some quick weight.
  8. If any of you guys or gals want to talk about supplements I’m assuming this the place to do it. Love to hear what you all are taking if it’s otc. If anyone has questions about UGLs and gear you can DM me if that makes you feel comfortable. I’ve done OTC, peptides, prohormones, sarms , injectables and orals. Those of you men that are over 35 I would definitely recommend getting your testosterone checked. Free and total. Low test can be the devil when trying to get into shape.
  9. Find you a 12 week YouTube program (there's lots) that you can do from home and enjoy. Track progress. It sounds like you need a program to help keep you accountable. This will help you get into the habit of working out daily or whatever the program calls for. I'd at least find something that is 5 days a week. 1 complete rest and 1 day very light.
  10. Watch your salt and carb intake. Drink more water. Or get some Clen, DNP or T3
  11. Any reason you're using the barbell row as the core back exercise versus deadlift? On your rows are you doing Bent Over, Pendlay or Yates. I typically do 3 sets of Yates plus a set of bent over.
  12. Yea. I do lots of volume. Medium weight. 12 to 15 reps 8 to 10 exercises 3 to 4 sets.
  13. I’m in a bulk started at 205 up to 210 looking to get to 220 over a 20 week cycle. I weigh first thing in the morning. Do a 6 day a week PPL program plus Jiu Jitsu for cardio. No longer train for pure strength just hypertrophy. My estrogen is running a little high so I am holding a little water. My macros daily are 4100 calories give or take 450 grams carbs 50% 375 grams protein 40% 60 grams fat 10%
  14. Keep up the great work
  15. Cool story brah!!!!
  16. After getting a real good look at Harry and Meghan I'm still wondering how the hell anyone would think their kids are going to be any shade of brown.
  17. She came across as whiny and didnt improve her standing as anything such. The part, I can't believe the monarch isn't going to provide security even though we bought a $15 million dollar mansion down the road from Oprah was laughable. Also complaining about her kids not being Prince or Princesses was stupid. They made the choice to no longer want the public duties that come with being part of the Royal Family.
  18. Easy Pass. Her teeth are stained.
  19. Not that my opinion matters but I prefer here on the site also.
  20. So funckin weird. I can't get discord app to download from Google play. I need Bill Gates to help me
  21. I joined the surly discord but where do I actually get on discord? Yes I know I'm an idiot. Thanks in advance.
  22. Definitely sounds like cancer. Good luck.
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