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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. That one just looks like its going to be a problem child. Needs to go strait to the sale barn. Lol
  2. Lol. Of course it works out that way. Couple years back might of been tad bit longer but we had several heifers calve out on one of those shitty north texas ice days. Decided to push back calving a month or so but we still get a couple early calves on the ground.
  3. Slowly getting the living quarters built out in the barn. Went with pine interior and stained the floors cola. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  4. My little/big cowgirl. Hope to pass the ranch on to her one day Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  5. Added a Hereford bull last year to put on some Red Angus. Love me some red baldies. Had the first calf hit the ground Sunday.
  6. Any of yall have calves hitting the ground?
  7. Would need a damn helicopter to deliver round bales especially bales that are baled tight.
  8. How are the pickles?
  9. Went by Truth on Tuesday, Harris in Waxahachie on Wednesday and Stanley's in Tyler today. Truth won the pickle game. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  10. kinda liking Midland. much more of an older sound and refreshing to hear versus that Thomas Rhett shit
  11. Damn Masterpiece. Love how Tom smiles over at Prince.
  12. always loved this song
  13. If you don't like this, you're a communist. Guys are nearly 70 years old and still got it. I think Frank wanted to take a nap.
  14. . Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  15. I dont see any pickles. Failure.
  16. Stopped by Harris BBQ in Waxahaxhie for lunch. Pretty good if you're out that way. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  17. Yep, i agree. Ive enjoyed all of the vendors that I've tried but it seems such a one off place. Its never top of mind for us.
  18. Patrizio's
  19. try a verizon hot spot. our farm is in a Century Link only area and of course they suck and the area is sold out. I got a verizon hot spot and it actually works pretty good unless you are in a metal building that is insulated.
  20. I was a regular at Sapristi! Loved that place. She went to Grace and slowly things went downhill.
  21. Lots of Salon at a wine dinner
  22. Crazy thing about Tim is that Adam Jones at Grace loves him. Says he is awesome. Adam is about nice of a guy you can be. I ran up a $3500 tab once at Grace and left without paying. Jenny texted my wife the next day saying i left without paying and no big deal shit happens. Gave a credit card over the phone.
  23. Even though he is a known asshole and not liked on Surly, if there is someone who can be successful in that space its probably him. Pretty sure he lives 2 minutes down white settlement rd.
  24. Went by Truth today in Houston. Got there at 10:40 and there was 5 people in line. At 11 am maybe 25. Pretty good stuff. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  25. hell $10-12 an hour is tough if you want good help. dishwashers are making $10 an hour.
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