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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. You obviously didn’t read my second post you dumb motherfucker. Wife is uneasy keeping a loaded gun by her bedside with my 4 year old daughter around especially since it’s just the two of them most nights. My wife is not looking to have a fucking shootout in our house but a dog that is professionally trained to be in the house to stand guard/protect to at least give her a time to call 911.
  2. she's got really big titties
  3. lol. I dindn't go to Stanford.
  4. Branson Bragg chose Stanford over the good guys. With that said I couldnt ever imagine growing up in Crandall, Tx and going to Stanford, pretty remarkable.
  5. thanks for the heads up. pass by it all the time to take 148 to Kemp.
  6. More Disarm/attack intruder. Not just bark and run around per se. Also run off coyotes, stray dogs, etc.
  7. If you're ever in Ft.Worth and want some fried chicken give Drew's Place a try. http://www.drewssoulfoodfw.com/
  8. lol. those are great family dogs.
  9. Ferocious! lol. great looking dog.
  10. Our plan is to purchase the dog from a kennel that is actually down the road from our ranch in Kaufman County. They place dogs all over the US from law enforcement to people who just want a great dog from a reputable breeder. Then at 12 to 15 weeks it would go to a training facility in Royce City. Here is the breeder: http://www.ccrgsdtexas.com/
  11. Yea good question. Its more for my wife and young daughter. I travel roughly 150 days a year for work and they are left a home alone. We also stay at our ranch and I would like them to feel comfortable out there alone especially at night. My wife has her LTC but doesn't feel comfortable having a loaded gun readily available in the house---even so she does't have the training to probably do much in that .05% scenario.
  12. Anyone have/had an East German DDR Shepherd or Belgian Malinois for a Family guard dog? One that was trained for family protection. Would love to hear pros and cons of these breeds and your overall experience. Thanks in Advance.
  13. I would cut out the potassium pills. It's probably causing the dehydration? No?
  14. Got a 12 year old honda mower that is left out in the elements. Rain, sun, cold, etc. Just add gas and pull once. Ive added oil maybe once. #winning!
  15. 3.2 is solidly in Ketosis. Good work.
  16. Stopped by Hays County in San Marcos. 4 ribs, 1 jalapeno cheddar link and a slice of brisket. Really enjoyed everything. Thought it was pretty solid other than the pickles. Not homemade nor housemade.
  17. My cousin turned 16 in October of his 8th grade year. He was a good boy...
  18. Went by Valentina's today. Had the rib plate. 1/2 pound ribs, quarter pound jalapeno cheddar sausage, rice and beans, tortillas-15$. Came with pickles- couldnt tell if they were homemade or housemade.
  19. Because what Brady has been doing at the QB position is what Joe was doing 30 plus years ago and the same can be said for his team/organization. the 80's 49ers were what every organization wanted to be like. I would say Brady and the Pat's have taken it too another level. Montana/Elway are a lot like Brady/Rodgers. Many people say/think Elway had the most talent kinda like Rodgers today but Montana had IT and was surrounded by a great coach/organization.
  20. i just put in a conventional system at my farm. $6500 all in.
  21. Hell he shot an elephant with his .270 featherweight model 70! The rifleman.
  22. Keep up the great work everyone.
  23. Yep in very rural areas bus definetly picks you up out front of your house.
  24. Since he admits guilt no need for a trial and waste taxpayer money. Rope and a tree is what he needs.
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