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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. My daughter is an only child. I'm truly fucked. I fully expect a wedding in Santa Fe or NYC.
  2. your party was lame if 35 people only spent $1,000. that's like 2 drinks per person at best.
  3. Hopefully it hasn't been posted yet... if so fuck it.
  4. you all have some nice coup setups. Mine is straight redneck East Texas style but its damn large. 40x12 and nothing is square. Didn't use a pencil to mark a cut line just used the eye and a chainsaw. Had to use a ratchet on it to pull it in to hammer beams to posts. took 3 months, 3k in supplies and lots of cursing and beer to get it finished.
  5. thanks for the Indianola info. I'm heading there tuesday for dinner hope my experience is better. Been to Eunice three times and each time has been enjoyable but its never very crowded/busy. Being off the street like that makes it kinda out of sight outa mind.
  6. had a Brangus bull calf that was a little fucker. I swear he was Fred Astaire on cattle guards. he would only eat inside the hay rings and half the time get stuck. cut him and ended up taking him to the processor.
  7. Team roping has become more popular along with many other rodeo events so there seems to be lots more corriente around. I'll say this though, meanest bulls you'll mess with will be the dairy breeds especially Jersey. most docile females but the bulls are rank.
  8. Seems like a good price. You sell him private? wouldnt think sale barn would pay that. Prices been shit.
  9. How old was he?
  10. What did u get for him?
  11. Now you get a hat and a Stihl chainsaw. Bought a 5085 last year and they "threw" in the chainsaw.
  12. JoS. A. Bank is probably having a sale.
  13. What did you get for him?
  14. the chik fila nor the taco bell are low carb meals. he is probably being sarcastic. the taco bell meal probably has 100 grams of carbs. you can make the power bowl at taco bell very low carb friendly though.
  15. We have chickens and turkeys. about 30 or so
  16. wearing a cowboy hat isn't what it used to be. it's a fashion statement no different than wearing a watch at this point. very few people who wear a cowboy hat punch cattle for a living or own cattle. owning cattle and a ranch is romantic but super hard work with little money unless you have oil& gas. I own a ranch and have cattle but its very secondary. i wear a cowboy hat that is worn out and cost $30. I only take it off at a nice sit down restaurant.
  17. The Local Cafe in Granbury is excellent and funky. Great place if the weather is nice.
  18. New York Hill in Thurber CFS over Mary's anyday of the week.
  19. Sure, i dont disagree that there are good and bad carbs but most of the dishes that are going to be posted in this thread have very little net carbs. Most people who are following a low carb diet are cutting out carbs whether its a baked sweet potato or taco bell bean burrito. Any single dish that has 40 or 50 carbs would not be considered "low" carb even though it may be quite nutritious but I could be wrong on the salad's nutrionals. It may only have 10 net carbs or so.
  20. Sounds tasty but I’m not sure that is considered low carb but I could be wrong. It probably has 40 to 50 grams of carbs nevertheless it’s definitely low cal and probably satisfying for lunch.
  21. I'm available for hire
  22. for that little bit of area you can definitely just disc it real good. I would make sure you mow what ever grass you have as low as possible then disc several times. get you a big spreader from atwoods if you dont have one already. i would do all this when you know rain is coming. i would mix in some fertilizer in it like triple 13 or whatever.
  23. sounds right to me. you are under your carbs--depends on weight---and you are taking in fats---maybe not everyday but over a period of time good enough for your phenotype. I'm not understanding where you and I are are astray? listen as long as you are truly testing your ketones through blood and are say above 1.5----great job how ever you get there. Stay on this thread and give us some inspiration.
  24. Just how Big of a boy are ya?
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