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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. Had a shrimp boil at the farm.
  2. Surly would rather do a flyover banner of some sort. C’mon Doc, you know that
  3. Griffin and Citadel are probably the biggest of big cigars on WS. Citadel is entrenched in all facets of making the market. I’m pretty sure most of the daily volume is ran through one of Citadel’s subsidiaries.
  4. Chamath and Tom Lee are my favorite CNBC guests. Can listen to those two all day.
  5. Any thoughts on BB? Thanks in advance.
  6. You want some money and pussy?
  7. Did you have any classes with him at Tech?
  8. I’ve been in the restaurant business for over 20 years and have had the unpleasant experience of closing bad locations/concepts. If you’re in the business long enough it’s bound to happen. I can say we’ve never shuttered one because our walk-in went down overnight. If I remember that was the reason Champ decided to close his after less than a year of operation. When I read that I knew there had to be some real problems behind the scenes.
  9. Went to Bludorn and Ostia over the last couple of weeks for Dinner. Bludorn was excellent and really like what they did with the space(s). Ostia was mediocre at best.
  10. Cool story brah! How many times did you edit before hitting send?
  11. Hopefully our highly thought of new DC will have a say in the hire.
  12. So why the fuck are you still here? Trump is gone and you say you don't give a shit about Longhorn football. Whats the point you wanker?
  13. You know what he's blabbering about. Dont lie. Don't be a bitch. No drive by deleting. Get it.
  14. You okay, brother?
  15. When is this Surly X games suppose to happen and where? Sign me up for biggest bench, largest dick and fattest paycheck events.
  16. I’m wondering if Banks brings in PoleAssassin to close the deal with the recruits? I hope so cause he is a goofy motherfucker most likely but obviously very smart.
  17. What’s his Surly handle?
  18. Yep ^^^^ I live in the town next too Southlake and the biggest difference between HP and Southlake is the multi generational wealth HP has and one is urban and the other is truly suburban. Another comparison is look at the two main shopping hubs and the stores/brands. Highland Park Village vs Southlake Town Center is not even in the same world.
  19. I would add Aledo and Argyle to the list of dominant surban single school programs.
  20. Probably easier to just rehome the 1 year old
  21. I would almost do anything to be a fly on the wall the first time Pole Assassin and Bob Rowling met at a donor shindig.
  22. I have a cousin who turned 16 in 8th grade. He drove to school and parked with all the teachers.
  23. 1. Lol at the bolded. 2. All Urban wanted to do is fuck with Herman 3. Thats all.
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