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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. Hey Man U watch out. I’m 5’10 170. Bench like Ronnie Coleman in his prime.
  2. Are you T’Boo’s wife/agent?
  3. Can we see more pictures of your wife without you in them? Hopefully some without her shirt on.
  4. 'MERICA. 'Ol VAN WHIPPIN SOME COMMIS ASS. One of our greatest treasures. Great human being, too.
  5. Slightly used Mules are in that price range and they will last a lot longer than that Club Cadet especially with such lite use. I know you don't need top end models but there are all sizes and price ranges with the Mules, Rangers and Can Ams especially used.
  6. i'll be by this week. I wear all black, have tattoos and always look pissed off. typically always have someone with me and carry a gun.
  7. i'll be by this week. I wear all black, have tattoos and always look pissed off. typically always have someone with me and carry a gun.
  8. I went by Friday and grabbed a pork sandwich to eat in the truck. Really like the sauce they serve on the side. Beans were good a little spicier than normal but i like that. My only complaint about them is it takes a long time to get your food no matter if there is a line or not.
  9. Definitely need road base or remix. using special select as a base will also help with longevity. If you are manly go rent you a dump trailer and go to your nearest ready mix plant and buy some washout on the cheap. You guys paying less than $300 a load for rock is that just for the rock? or rock and spread? Ive spent about 20k on rock and building roads---ditching, pipe, clay/sand, rock, etc. I've also built roads by hand using washout. backbreaking work.
  10. This is who you need to ask
  11. Thomas Kellerman is the man. The Ranch Raundry is also badass.
  12. tell him Snitches get Stitches. he better keep quiet.
  13. I don't know about the "bots" but the rest seems to have been true in my experience. If you are willing to pay then they are definitely easier to deal with regarding bad reviews-In my opinion of course.
  14. lol. Clap Clap Clap.
  15. yep. I use to buy wine from him of maybe their daughter 10 years ago. old school. neat place.
  16. Grailey's in Dallas is a great place to purchase wine with age. Provenance of the wines has always been perfect in my dealings with them over the years.
  17. I would ad Raymond, Round Pound, Buehler and Chappellet to the list of $50 ish Napa cabs.
  18. Need the panties to come off: Billecart Salmon Brut Rose
  19. i'd add Bo Jackson to that list
  20. plenty of street parking and the bar has a parking lot. you shouldn't have any issue during the week especially this time of year since most people do not want to sit/wait outside.
  21. Went by Buck's today. Awesome food but the glass of tea was a little off! Lol. Great stuff. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  22. Lost my dad to cancer in 2014. He was 55 and never got to meet my daughter. Take everyday like it is your last and don’t take a lunch date or dinner with mom for granted.
  23. Why would Herman need advice from other coaches? He has Surly for advice based on this thread.
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