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Posts posted by Errestaurants

  1. Thank you for the kind words and yes I’m very small in stature and dick size. I’m surly 1% in that regard. I think I’ve brought this up before, we really need to have a yearly surly meet up. It would be interesting to see how many of y’all are bad motherfuckers in person. I’m in the DFW area out by the airport. I know lando and I are suppose to get together at some point. I’ll extend that invite to any of you who want to meet. 

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  2. 19 minutes ago, wood said:

    Aw, you poor thing! Aren't you precious. If  my "shit talking" hurt your feelings, then you're probably one of the biggest gaping pussies in the history of the surl or TOS, and that's really saying something. But then, your posts confirm that anyway.

    LMAO. Fuck outta here with that shit. Sandy vag crying about "shit talking" on the surl. Now I've seen it all. Thanks man. I needed a good laugh after Sark dropped.

    Yea brother, you're right. 

  3. Just now, Dbeasy said:

    Might as well provide some background on why I kept saying Urban was a no and was a wet blanket. My source of info was the best possible source you could think of. I can’t go into any more detail on how I had this visibility. I just did, but I’ve known since the beginning of December he passed and posted it on here multiple times. 

    Futureman is full of shit on Urban never being in play. He was and Texas wanted him. He just said no. Like everyone, I was just hoping Urban was lying to those around him. He wasn’t. 

    You definitely were the only one who had the NO CUM to UT with sources. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, wood said:

    Why the fuck are you lumping me in with caddox, dipshit? That guy never knew shit, and I never claimed to know shit.

    Because you talked shit if anyone didn't think CUM was coming. I'll agree that you never said you had sources but you and all your other night crew bde played into his bullshit. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, taybo20 said:

    Some of those delusional idiots should go back and read how they twisted everything possible to fit their narrative. Some soap opera writing level twists and turns

    A couple of them should never be allowed to post in any football coach related thread AND I can't wait to read how caddox's "sources" are besides themselves at the deer lease. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, NOOBSDUDE said:

    I just climbed out from under my rock and read that we fired turtle Tom and are looking at bringing in Sark? The same Sark that is 47-35 as a head coach at 2 pretty good programs. Please tell me this is a fucking joke. 

    Its probably best that you go back under your rock.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. 4 minutes ago, clapclapclap said:

    Shut the hell up, Joey Galloway.  If this was Ohio State you'd have the opposite view.

    Edit:  Basically saying it's unfortunately that college football doesn't give coaches 5 years, it can take a long time, blah blah blah.

    He's just another ESPN phony paid to take bogus positions just so they can use the worn out talk show trolling format of one hot take for, one hot take against.

    The assholes also leave out that coaches at big time programs are paid multimillion dollar guaranteed contracts to not fucking lose.

  8. 5 minutes ago, RockyMountainHighHorn said:

    All this alcoholic talk....something called recovery isn’t possible. No...never. It’s 2021, as someone in recovery, start believing that one someone can get ahold of their demons, they are a strong and special kind of person. Talk about the coaching all you want but he’s about to win the broyles award and that doesn’t go to the biggest drunk. Yeah I’m not super pumped but disappointed to see all this “he’s a drunk” talk with all the people in recovery or SHOULD be in recovery on this very board. 

    I don’t think anyone is rooting against Sark and I’m sure we are hoping that he can stay the path to sobriety but the HC job at Texas is very stressful. No doubt working under Saban has its pressures but nothing like being the “man” to bring UT football back to redemption pressure. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. On 1/1/2021 at 8:40 AM, Errestaurants said:

    Its 2021 and Tom Herman is still our coach and a fuckin cunt 


    On 1/1/2021 at 9:17 AM, futureman said:

    the cool thing is that you can make this exact same post in 364 days

    What happened? I thought you could see the future?

    • Haha 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Wow, Chris.  You play weeks of mindgames to finally shitcan Tom...still cost us tens of millions of dollars and somehow secure the program's 6th most attractive option?  Wow...you are playing Trump-level chess.  You fucking child.  

    David Pollack is saying Sark has turned us down. Lol

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