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Everything posted by Errestaurants

  1. No, it’s called extreme gap in talent. Another example would be your girlfriends and my wife.
  2. I’ll take him as OC and QB coach. Fuck the HC bullshit.
  3. Everytime I see Saban on Alabama’s sideline I think what could of been and FUCK Mack Brown.
  4. No CUM. We're getting Dabo or Saban or Kelly or Shanahan or a recovering alcoholic Shark...well maybe...check back at some point.
  5. I'm only trusting you on the Urban front. Forget cadox or fisterman.
  6. Depends on the kind of sausage.
  7. More selfies less sausage. Thanks in advance.
  8. Can of tuna on top of a block of tannerite. You know what to do next. Make sure to get video.
  9. Its 2021 and Tom Herman is still our coach and a fuckin cunt
  10. Drank so much one night with some buddies that I woke up the next afternoon/evening with a really shitty tribal art tatoo on my arm. To this day none us remember how it got there or where it happened. This was in 1998 and just got it covered up.
  11. Greg Doucette's anabolic blueberry pancakes. I use Ezekiel bread and add vanilla whey protein powder and collagen. Walden farms zero calorie pancake syrup plus Greek yogurt.
  12. Man... that just sounds way to hard. Always remember, winning is really hard.
  13. Are any of you actually surprised how this is playing out?
  14. Tom Herman is a cunt.
  15. Is Tom Herman still our coach?
  16. Max weight is 80lbs? Well that counts me out. My dick alone weighs 90lbs.
  17. Whats going on here?
  18. We're willing to pay Herman $20 million to do the same. Let that sink in.
  19. Hey man, what the hell did we do? Fuck you back!
  20. I don’t know brother, he seems like a fucking genius to me. Imagine being all that you described plus a functioning alcoholic and he is going to be shown the door with a $20 million dollar severance. Sign me up.
  21. These assholes wood rather keep Herman or hire Kubiak it seems. If CUM is a no go its obvious Kelly would be the next best choice.
  22. I like my baked potatoes unbaked
  23. I'm sure Armybrat can give you a firsthand account of the Gilded Age
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