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Dish Boggett

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  1. And after the race if you ask him how he did, he will say “ I ate”. 3 teenagers and the wife is a teacher. I stay up on the lingo.
  2. Yes, higher help… a lot of it. We had 3 under 2 and we hemorrhaged money on nanny/sitters for the first year and half or so. ‘also make sure your wife is getting plenty of alone time, time away from the kids for her mental health. you will get through it, but it’s tough for a bit
  3. Fair enough, I suppose since the Brits are the last ones to get it wrong they carry the most blame
  4. Agreed, both sides of this conflict are reprehensible but one side always gets a pass in America, especially by the religious right. There is a lot of white washing of the actions of the Israel. Great Britain deserves the credit for creating this mess over 100 years ago. Promising combating factions the same land in return for support for their war efforts turns out not to be a good idea.
  5. Where were you when I was taking pre-calculus?
  6. I am grateful. Both of his candidates lost in my county on Tuesday and we are ground zero for the M4L bunch. Time for him to move along.
  7. I doubt you will find anything specific in the building codes for this. When we have a truss repair on a project we have to get the engineering (repair) from the truss manufacturer. This is not really an option for you. I would scab on each side of the broken web with the same size board and make sure the ends of these new boards extend 3’ to 4’ past the brake. oh and little chance anything would ever happen even you just left as is.
  8. You could have saved another 20% if you had applied for the charge card. Rookie mistake.
  9. Got one daughter at Live Love LAX this weekend in Maryland. And one on the couch in a knee brace. hope you guys are having a good summer season.
  10. Super- had a similar issue at our house and we solved it by making sure they rotate shoes (our issue was mainly with cleats and volley ball shoes) and using one of these after each use. It has an ozone maker and seems to work well for us. About a year into it.. https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Prepare-Portable-Adjustable-Folding/dp/B07RX67K46/ref=asc_df_B07RX67K46/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693306672702&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10920330647019193209&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011844&hvtargid=pla-778007590257&psc=1&mcid=1e755b66d64f3f3795a98bad9dc777b8&gad_source=1 it will not help much on shoes that already stink, have to start with new cleats/shoes
  11. Anyone jump on the NVDA today before the closing?
  12. Indian Princess camp out is the best weekend of the year. We do it the first Sat of December every year at a large youth ranch right in the middle of the state of Florida. Its is a combined campout with about a dozen tribes. The different tribes have stink bomb and water balloon fights all night and some tribe always brings a bucket of crickets to turn loose in peoples' tents. Most of the tribes are from the same small town and most all know each other. I dread the work leading up to it and the sleeping in a tent for 2 nights kind of sucks, but when we are back at home on Sunday late morning I am on top of the world. The dad group rocks and we cook/smoke a ton of food all weekend. A couple of years ago on our walk back to camp after the giant bonfire and my oldest ( maybe 12 at the ) asked " Dad, can we come when I am in college?" all the dads laughed and told " Heck yeah, I will come as long as you girls want to" My oldest is 16 now and I have approx 118 more weekends before she goes to college. I am trying my hardest to create as many lasting memories for us as i can. Next up is a quick getaway this weekend to see the NCAA Women's Lacrosse National Championship game in NC.
  13. Let’s Go….. this is awesome. Best of luck Scary. had a bit of an upset today in the FLA state semi finals. A school from Naples beat the # 1 seed Saint Andrew’s. In over time..
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