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  1. Update: I saw my urologist today and my biopsy came back cancer free. Fuck yeah! I have a repeat biopsy in 6 months to verify but otherwise all good.
  2. Long time lurker here. And have referenced this thread a ton as I await my biopsy results in a couple of days. I had a PSA result spike and my urologist recommended an MRI, which necessitated a prostate biopsy. My gut feels like it's cancer and caught early, and treatment would likely be RALP...but hoping that I'm wrong. Reading the stories and advise has been a huge help and appreciate what everyone has gone through. Keep kicking cancer's ass.
  4. Another datapoint: I'm in the Moderna trial and initially got the placebo. Ended up getting Covid (not the Delta variant) in January. Recovered after a couple of weeks of feeling like shit, then got my vaccine on March 1 and March 31. Just tested yesterday and antibody level >2500. Fuck yeah Moderna! Maybe I should buy stock.
  5. I'm in. PM'd.
  6. In. payment sent.
  7. I imagine right up until election day. Next reporting deadline is Sept 30 if you can spare something before then. I’ve wondered the same thing. I want my contribution, the first political contribution I’ve ever made, to count and count big. I’ll make a contribution this weekend and hope that Beto get a metric shit-ton more.
  8. The biggest winner in all of this? Starbucks.
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