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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by AutographJimmy

  1. At the moment Twitter/X posts can be submitted by users and approved submissions can be viewed in the "fanzone" tab in the app. That said, we do know that some of the best/most desired content is on X and are exploring different ways to feature that content on our feeds.
  2. We are in the process of fixing the verification code -> spam folder conundrum! Should be addressed soon.
  3. Hello everyone! I’m AutographJimmy (AKA Jimmy) from Meghan’s team at Autograph. I’m here to take feedback and answer any questions you have about our app. We all are psyched about our partnership with Surly Horns and can’t wait to get to know real, impassioned Texas fans—and to start rewarding your fandom. Wanted to address some recurring questions: Android release is on the roadmap - will keep this group posted on timing! Our feed only includes blogs & podcasts at the moment BUT we are working to incorporate other content mediums (forums) like Surly Let us know what features you would like to see and would love your feedback on the types of rewards you would be stoked about! Excited to get to know you all! 🤘
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