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  1. I've forgotten who a couple of those guys are . . .
  2. Tech receiver gets lit up after an incompletion and no targeting call. Interesting.
  3. Here's an updated version. I worked on the drum mix a bit and though it's the same thumbnail, you actually get to see my beautiful face in this video 🤮 Shot in beautiful Dripping Springs the day before the Colorado State game. (PS: I see I can finally edit my posts).
  4. I think I saw Stoops, Jr. trying to block on the safety, so there's that.
  5. Hard to believe the Briles name isn't radioactive enough already.
  6. Somehow they'll achieve max focusness for our game.
  7. aggy rollercoaster beginning the climb. . .
  8. I wrote this for my wife. We've been married a while.
  9. ^^^ it figures that someone with the handle "G650" would like a song about "jet fuel and wine." 😁 This next one is pretty CR, so if you think that might bother you just skip it.
  10. OK, here goes . . . During the summer of 2020 I bought my first guitar in ages and started playing again. Then I bought a set of used drums and a bass and now, three and a half years later I have almost a complete album that I've recorded on Garageband (in my garage). I'm not good enough to play anyone else's music so I started writing my own. The song below is probably the best of the bunch, so here it is. And no, I didn't time this to compete with Usher's halftime performance (which just started).
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