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Everything posted by oh_snap

  1. Bleeds for the program. He’s the offensive version of Scott Derry
  2. That was the refs way of telling Herman to get Cade Brewer the fuck out of the game.
  3. I say the same thing any time I see Cade Brewer on the field. If we need a TE on the field, it’s Wiley, or fuck it play with just 10
  4. Flag for shushing was deserved. When you showboat while losing, frankly, it should be an ejection. 15yds is getting off easy. get off my lawn
  5. Haven’t posted on this thread, but have been lurking along the way. Thanks for the entertainment to all you surly stros fans. 2020 sucks, but you guys and the Astros provided some relief along the way. good luck to the Rays and congrats to CFM for that performance.
  6. Flexing while giving up 15yards and a first down is so stupid. It’s so incredibly stupid I legit thought he didn’t know where the sticks were or it was some sort of internal weirdo motivation technique to pump himself up to do better. I don’t know, anything to give the benefit of the doubt to the player in a high stakes, high emotion rivalry game, because there’s no way anyone could be that dumb. But surely after the game he has to realize how incredibly stupid it is, tuck tail, and hope it just blows over. Nope, he’s doubling down on the stupid and clapping back at a guy who plays on Sunday. Amazing.
  7. Congrats to OU, time to print commemorative cups!
  8. The only way to fuck up 2020 further is to bring that “seven and nine bullshit” back to Houston. yea, Jeffrey fuckface Fisher to the Texans. Book it.
  9. Longhorn media needs to roast him for this. Really inexcusable.
  10. Herman said he wasn’t aware there was one second left in presser. Fuckoff, you make too much money to not be aware.
  11. Fatterson got charlie’d
  12. Fatsa playing for 3, and Mensa will still lose the game
  13. Upon review OPI on Eagles.
  14. I don’t know what’s sadder, Brando’s command of written English after seeing his twitter gibberish or the fact that he actually responds to random fans to defend himself.
  15. Delete user. Ban thread.
  16. Sticking with earlier math theme, given how Westbrook is playing, losing this challenge is addition by subtraction...
  17. So basically like every Showtime show ever.
  18. Try 13.3%. Why is the government so greedy and fiscally irresponsible? California is way past the apex of the laffer curve.
  19. If you aren’t literally crying of laughter at that restaurant scene with Richard Lewis, Larry David, and Jon Hamm as Larry David, there’s no way I could appreciate you as a person.
  20. They must have been pushing this shit hard at lhr duty free. Someone gave me a 12yr of it because I collect single malts. As a surly 1%er, I only drink 18y or older, so will be donating to the local homeless drunks.
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