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Everything posted by oh_snap

  1. Hinch putting his application into Tom Herman’s Mensa club
  2. We have Zack MuthaFuckin Greinke going for us tomorrow. The last time Luhnow brought over a cy young winner mid season, we won the series. We are going to fucking dominate tomorrow.
  3. lol, no he didn’t . It was all a show. He knew what he was doing. “hold me back, yo” He has a 3 run lead in this game. And can rally his troops for game7 now too. Pretty smart actually. too bad he doesn’t know we’re coming back to win tonight.
  4. lol, no he didnt. It was all a show. He knew what he was doing. “hold me back, yo” He has a 3 run lead in this game. And can rally his troops for game7 now too. Pretty smart actually. too bad he doesn’t know we’re coming back to win tonight.
  5. Was going to say same thing... want to see replay on how his glove fell off.
  6. When you a grown ass man and you wear your hat like that, you get what you deserve.
  7. Great first inning. Now let’s do it again!
  8. Time to get some runs. 2 clearly isn’t going to be enough.
  9. Props to Soto, good for him. now let’s make him go 0fer the rest of the way.
  10. I never really followed the AL until the Astros moved over. Were the Yanks bad during the 79-95 drought? Or were they competitive, just couldn’t get over the hump. I love dealing them these antagonizing season-ending losses... 3 out of 5 years now. So sweet.
  11. If I recall, Springer wore a golden sombrero of G1 in the 2017 series. Then just went on an absolutely epic run starting G2. Nats starters are good. I think the key for the Astros will be to work the counts and get to their pen.
  12. Altuve’s balls weigh like 168 pounds
  13. Go garden your cunt hairs on the bench you bitch
  14. This is obvious. It didn’t hit him. He should get an extra stroke for cuntiness
  15. Smoltz, the jinx doesn’t work when you purposely try it, you twat
  16. Correa tryna petition Hinch to let him play from the mound in the 9th?
  17. That Texas game is a disgrace. It’s going on the phone and stros get the big screen
  18. I wonder if my great great great grandpappy also laughed at the nickname Three-Finger Brown like I am
  19. Arod trying to get Boone fired so he can be manager? shut up already about changing the line up
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