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Everything posted by oh_snap

  1. First I thought Texas Qb play could never get worse than Case McCoy. Then I thought Texas Qb play could never get worse than my man swoop. When does this fucking rollercoaster end?!?
  2. Love these refs. Haven’t said that since what, 2009 b12 ccg
  3. Silver lining: Can’t lose 5yrds here
  4. I was sure they would call offensive passing interference there. Because you know. Lucky break.
  5. Looks like jalen catalon out for the season [tweet]1037395092481429510[/tweet]
  6. I don’t know if Herman is the answer or not. But I will say the notion that Charlie left this program in a better place than he found it is patently false. I’m guessing posters say this in order to grasp at something, anything, to make themselves feel better about the absolute shitsandwich that Charlie created while in Austin. No cake was baked unless you’re into cow dung paddycakes. Charlie took a team that was a half away from winning the big12 with a functioning retard at quarterback and turned it into a losing culture. Don’t get me wrong, Mack needed to go because he had us stuck in 8 win purgatory. But what did Charlie do while he was here other than make getting buckfucked and blown out the norm? He got rid of entitlement? Fantastic. We traded entitlement for acceptance of getting buttfucked. Bad trade in my opinion. And go look at the 2015 and 2016 recruiting classes. Total shit. 2015: Ryan Newson Gone. Chris Warren Gone. Kai Locksley Gone. Hilton Hill Gone. Gilbert Johnson Who? Devo Clarington Never made it. Deandre McNeal Gone. Cecil Cherry lol gone fast. DuVonta Lumpkin el gonzo. Brandon Hodges gone. Quincy Vasser who? Kirk johnson broken Buck Major now a wrestler matt merrick gone and also Malik and deshon Elliot went pro early. The 2015 class, which should be our seniors is decimated. 2016 is only marginally better. Truth is, Charlie was a shit recruiter who had his hands full trying to coach during the season (sucking at it too) and waited to the 11th hour to finally start recruiting. And he managed to salvage a decent ranking by getting ranked players that other teams probably didn’t want that bad anyways or they would have committed elsewhere earlier.
  7. Wake me up when Mensa fucks up a coin flip. I see progress.
  8. Heard that the pizza has pineapple on it. Drew Mehringer’s idea.
  9. So you think Herman is feeding them pbj or orange slices in the locker room to stay fueled during this little break?
  10. Lightning delay at the beginning of the 4th and not at the end of 3rd when beer could still be purchased. Not sure who got screwed more, me or Dan synder.
  11. Seen better on campus. Correction. Seen better at Sugars at 11am.
  12. Anyone know how much cash parking is at the stadium? I guess I can buy parking on ticketmaster for $52—which includes $12 service fees. I’m cheap. But I’m also lazy and don’t want to fuck around with trying to find the metro.
  13. He’s not leaving voluntarily. He’s trying to get tOSU to pay him to go away. I wonder what the offset language is in his contract if he takes an nfl job.
  14. Fully expect an osu reporter to release a story to discredit this former trustee as some sort of criminal. I’ve seen this movie before.
  15. With a username like yours, one would think you’d be more accepting of such apparatuses.
  16. Bruce Feldman is one of the best in the business (aside from Hamm, of course), but I’ve noticed he’s hardly been critical of Meyer throughout this entire saga. On his weekly podcasts with Stewart Mandel over the last month, Mandel has been almost Finebaum-esque in the way he’s ripped OSU, Zach Smith, and even Meyer. But Feldman has generally been neutral on the topic. I also remember last year, Feldman basically ate up that stupid pixie dust comment like it meant something for real when we all know it was just some planted bullshit to throw shade for recruiting purposes. I’m guessing Meyer is one of Frldman’s sources and he’s trying his hardest not to upset that relationship.
  17. When they beat that mighty FCS team tomorrow night, I fully expect the 995 aggy spin machine to throw shade at Herman losing his first game and Jimbo winning his, no matter how ugly the win is. Then extrapolate that to more future success. Power moves and all. Clickity clack.
  18. Snook: I have it on good authority that Tom Herman was the source behind this news.
  19. i just picked up "dream seats" in section 40. not sure what i was thinking because now that i am looking at it closer, seems like the view may be somewhat obstructed by players on the sideline... but whatever, just excited to make it to a game; especially because i missed the texas-usc game last year in my own backyard.
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