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mr. sunshine

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Everything posted by mr. sunshine

  1. The pharmaceutical commercial with the fat ginger dumpy chick repeatedly running out into the surf. Seriously there's no hot chick who's developed this skin condition we just used to put Calamine lotion on?
  2. I'm judging from the crowd shots that there's a lot of beefy SEC fan chicks but not being judgmental. After all we were in the Big 12 up until last year. Looking at you Kansas schools and Iowa State and your big cornfed heavies
  3. So the unlimited week old shrimp buffet deal didn't work out
  4. Right there with you but a Pop Warner team could embarrass Mack
  5. An old buddy of mine had a theory that Tony Danza's character in every series he was in was named Tony because if he was called by any other name he was too fucking stupid to respond
  6. Attended the '99 Cotton Bowl v. these shitbirds. Clanging a cowbell is irritating as hell but is way less labor intensive than normal human activities like yelling and clapping so it's perfect for these regards. Major, Ricky and Wane McGarity dropping bombs on them. The fourth quarter chant of "Poooooooor Jackie" was naturally interpreted by that clown lover as "Poooooor aggies." Hearing. How does it work
  7. Thus far it's shredding Urban Fuckface, Scam Newton and UF "culture" during that time with impunity. Hopefully they get around to Tebow. If loving this show is wrong I don't want to be right
  8. It's 35-3 in the 3rd quarter. You might want to go ahead and take your girdle off
  9. In high school I was known as General Booty
  10. Then they should eat that right up
  11. He's like having an old girlfriend commenting on how poorly you're fucking your new girlfriend
  12. Come on Mack. Dig in like a tick, fuck up their recruiting and new coach search and make them come find you in the basement of your house under a stack of dirty clothes to fire you. Or maybe you don't love North Carolina as much as you loved us
  13. It amazes me how many very wealthy people seem to be complete morons. Looking at you Jerry Jones
  14. On a related note Custer allegedly said Indians ain't shit
  15. Gotdamn those chicken legs look terrible. If somebody held a gun to my head I'd opt for the human foot
  16. Definitely an old lawyer/prosecutor beef but unlike what Flo declares in current Progressive Insurance commercials if someone steals your shit from your apartment and you're not home it's called burglary and not robbery. Robbery requires some kind of face to face encounter between the victim(s) and robber(s). If you're not home and somebody steals your shit it's called burglary but I understand most insurance customers, including myself, are complete morons
  17. Love me some McAvoy. He's good/great even if the script is straight up crap
  18. You got a problem with the Beegees defense? That's just your jive talking
  19. I wondered whatever happened to Steve Patterson. So Florida hired his dumb ass
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