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mr. sunshine

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Everything posted by mr. sunshine

  1. He's probably drunk. Unless he's driving. In that case he's really, really drunk
  2. This is why I think she tops the list of any Sopranos bad guys
  3. My dad used to fish Lake Toledo Bend with his old fart buddies back in the 90s. I'd get a regular invite but if there was something more entertaining to do I'd pass, which was pretty much every time. I regret it now. Not only for not spending more time fishing with the old man but I later learned Dime, Vinnie and Rex used to fish Toledo Bend when they had some time off. Would have been a trip to meet them out there catching bass and white perch
  4. The ghost of Keith Whitley says hold my liquor store promo sized bottle of whiskey
  5. The internet has now achieved its highest potential. Shut her down
  6. Not yet but the coroner doesn't favor bras and has a fantastic pair of nipples
  7. Michael Keaton as Batman. Come on kids try and keep up
  8. Murder mystery/comedy series set in Key West, Miami and the Bahamas on AppleTV starring Vince Vaughn. Two episodes in. So far so good
  9. Since they got left out it's a good thing they didn't get their shit pushed in in their bowl game. Wait wut
  10. Just saw it. Kicks so much ass. Just consider Alien, Aliens and this one a trilogy and forget all that other crap
  11. Thanks for the list but please cut to the chase. I didn't know math would be involved
  12. I can remember when every single pro sports coach was old enough to be my grandpa. Now I'm old enough to be a grandpa to most of them. Except Andy Reid. You old fat fuck
  13. I was in a certain service organization in the 80s that blared "Johnny 99" over a loudspeaker for 12 hours straight during the hazing ritual. Never been waterboarded but I'd invite the comparison
  14. ancestry.com So you're a really good beach volleyball player. So was your mom. But you've got to submit your DNA and pay to find out why you're a really good beach volleyball player
  15. Looks good. It's official. Willem Dafoe is in everything now
  16. Please ask your Titans to return Houston's name and colors. I'm almost sure Houston can afford to cough up a reasonable fee. Also ask your Titans to quit being a bitch about it. Thanks
  17. Trans? So Byron Murphy digs Trans Ams. Pimp
  18. "Friends" in Safelite commercials get waaaaaaaay too excited about windshield replacement
  19. Now I'm craving green bean casserole for breakfast
  20. Thanks for Davy Crockett, Tennessee. Other than that feel free to fuck teh fuck off
  21. Never met anyone who'd play the race card so early on. Except a certain criminal defense attorney who'd realize she was getting her ass kicked and it was only jury selection
  22. Hmmm "tracking the ball." is it legal to teach this skill to our DBs?
  23. I'm between jobs so I despise all you Richie Rich types and your shenanigans
  24. Unlike every other Coen brothers movie never had a desire to watch it again. Still can smell the stink on that turd
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