The TOE is an algorithmization of Ezekiel's vision. Eze chapter 1.
The verse by verse interpretation:
Ezek 1:4 "a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire enfolding itself," Two spiral toroids and a rest state.
1:5 The creatures are forces that mediate precessions.
1:6 Four modes, four precession accelerations per creature per time instance.
1:7 Precessions are straight out and straight back in the direction of acceleration. Two feet means forces are mediated between 2 particles, or a particle and the superposition particle that represents all the other particles(1:25-26)
1:8 The hands are the phases of the precessions
1:9 the acceleration of the precessions moves the likeness of the particle(wheel inside wheel 1:16) back and forth
1:10 Each precession type(creature) has different characteristics. Man=magnetism, lion=electricity, ox=nuclear force/inertia, eagle=gravity. (Maybe this is fuzzy. Maybe we drew the lines wrong between inertia/gravity/nuclear force)
1:11 Two parallel precessions, two perpendicular
1:12 particles go as the precessions take them. No other force moves them.
1:13 The precessions are waves on the wheels. The wheels are flexible but taut, and made of pure energy.
1:14 Creatures(precession forces) are mediated superluminally. Precessions lag according to relativity. (Two speeds in 1:13, fire speed and lightning speed)
1:15 the precession forces mediate the wheels. The forces/energy are what is there. The wheels are how we model them.
1:16 Circle with perpendicular circle rotating along two axes simultaneously. This isn't what is there, it is just the way to model the creatures.
1:17 The precessions don't cause the wheels to turn. Do a time instance, then adjust hidden variables(phases/orientation) and do another time instance. Only this changes the direction.
1:18 The wheels react to forces from everywhere and from a long way off.
1:19-21 the only thing happening is the precessions move the wheels. The wheels move according to the precessions alone.
1:22 Crystal reflects light everywhere(entanglement by precession phase locking). The wheels(flexible, taut, circles) allow the waves on the circles(precessions) to travel faster than light like a wave on a rope when you wave it. (no mass/energy moves faster, just the waves on the circles(precessions). Note the two speeds in 1:13)
1:23 The cloud/resting state. And also particles in atoms without external forces.
1:24 No acceleration when not acted upon. Precessions work according to logic.
1:25-26 Three levels. Under the firmament, the firmament, and over the firmament. Creatures control subatomic, atomic, and macro scales according to a man-like logic/power.
1:27-28 Generated by the life force of the logic/power, full of all the frequencies, and moving by semi-circle(precession on circle)