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Everything posted by JosephStang

  1. Kabbalah is the Jewish religion. Madonna is involved in a Satanic corruption of it.
  2. Some of you were listening and understood so I'll keep educating. This explains Kabbalah and the occult based on the theory of everything. There are 3 other videos that explain other parts of the situation. https://rumble.com/v3k36ai-scientific-explanation-of-the-mind-and-occult.html
  3. What's happening is we are evolving the Monarchy because I discovered the theory of everything. The rest is sideshow. We are also dismantling the federal government of the US and returning the powers to the states. These are the Monarchy evolutions. Having been authorized by HM King Charles III to negotiate the evolution of the Monarchy, it now seems good to Us to publish the agreed on evolutions. Every historical title shall have hereditary claimants and these shall be singly held separately by man and woman with common and separate areas of responsibility. They shall not be married to each other or hold any financial interests outside their hereditary land. They shall hold the preference in appointment, which shall be confirmed by the House of Regents and House of Lords if they fulfil the requirements and qualifications. If not, a locally qualified regent shall be chosen for the position but the hereditary family keeps the preference.
  4. Ok. I'm dumb. Also, the Protocols have been updated. Thanks for your support.
  5. Dumb cunt calls it a sports message board in a sub forum discussing Elon Musk and the Gaza war.
  6. Goddamn you are a bunch of fucking idiots. Imagine a bunch of college students uninterested in the theory of everything. It's mind boggling. Your general stupidity is a threat to the human race.
  7. I have a better idea than a GoFundMe. Surround X. Demand that I be involved in the discussion. Also, mock the House of Commons mercilessly for their idiotic handling of the situation. I was expecting to be met by a rep of the British government 2 years ago. They never did because they are a bunch of traitors selling out the British peoples. I get that y'all are American, but a free Britain is part of the answer. If you have cash just laying around and want to help my PayPal is @JosephStang94, but I have food and a shelter to sleep in so the X fix is much more important. Thanks. Remember what Margaret Mead said: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
  8. I don't want to wait 2 weeks to stop being homeless and broke, and I don't want to wait 2 weeks to stop WWIII. I want to be treated correctly and I want to stop the war and I want both those things RIGHT FUCKING NOW. I've suffered this for 7 years. Your entire life is built on science and I am the King of science. We know this because we know I discovered the theory of everything. Don't tell me to wait. It's gross.
  9. You get it yet, @PvilleStang? Or is this just some rando they told me was Jay.
  10. So we've dealt with the schizo accusation. Anyone competent with visualization can see the geometry described is, at the least, revolutionary. The articles on times of Israel prove I was working in Israel. The situation with the royal family is starting to be suspicious, and clearly fits the time frame. What other evidence do I need to provide before someone starts treating me sanely? You need to get people who have never been connected to me on line, and give them the info and force X to allow the discussion. It sounds ridiculous. This is the way. PRINT THIS INFO OUT, PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN, AND GIVE THIS TO OTHER PEOPLE WITHOUT PHONES INVOLVED. I can't imagine a scenario where everyone I contact responds insanely other than the scenarios which no contact fixes. So let's try it. Thanks.
  11. This explains dark matter. I'm not trying to explain stuff now. Im trying to get sane reactions so we can stop NATO from dragging us into WWIII. For there to be a boundary layer at the edge of the heliosphere, there must be a change in the forces. For there to be a change in the forces, a condition must exist that causes this. The condition must be a change in gravity, or the interstellar density would always flow towards the star spheres. Since this is not happening, we can assume that the interstellar density overcomes gravity. The holonomic toroid can explain this, and do away with the need for dark matter/energy as an explanation. The interstellar distances are such that the interstellar density begins to overtake star gravity towards the center of the interstellar lake. The first order wave on the toroid accomplishes inertia and bonding. The second order wave, which is a wave on the bonding/inertia wave, accomplishes gravity. As the interstellar density overtakes star gravity, two possibilities arise. Either the precession away from the star lengthens or a third order precession develops. This seems to me to be the only way to explain the heliosphere boundary layer. Since this third order precession would dominate, and therefore have a geometrically seperate center from observable matter, it can also explain dark matter/energy. This understanding would correspond exactly with the Kabbalistic understanding. The spin/twist is asiya, the inertia/bonding first order wave is yetzira, the second order wave is gravity/briah, and the third order interstellar wave is atzilut, and the toroid itself is malchut or the physical.
  12. I have lots of evidence. What I haven't had for 7 years is a sane response. Wouldn't it be amazing if the longhorns managed one?
  13. While I was getting psychologically tortured in Israel for 5 years, they kept telling me the mom that raised me isn't my bio mom. I decided to ask Jay. Is his response sane? I submit that it isn't. He sold me out to make money with the coin plan. His behavior has been horrifying to a brother, but to the physicist that discovered the theory of everything, it's a crime against humanity. The "fecal emergency" is the gay cerebral palsy dude that kept calling me his boyfriend. The network harassing me set me up as his career when I got to London.
  14. Great! Focus, younglings. Super important. There can't be direct contact between me and the guys forcing X because trust me shut the fuck up. This WILL stop WWIII. Surround X. Elon wants to do this, but he is under insane political pressure. He needs an excuse. Austin surrounding X and threatening to publicise this will be enough of an excuse to get NATO to back down because none of the people involved want to go to prison for treason, AND they don't want the theory or coin plan published yet. It needs to stay a longhorn secret until we negotiate the drawdown, and the best way to do that is to force them to let me into the discussions.
  15. If you have any brains and want to check the timeline, the Harry/Will fight started soon after this and Harry went to America and joined a startup called BetterUp, and started attending banking conferences.
  16. This is the Jesuit telling me that Harry would be interested. Explains why someone in the Royal Family stopped the murder plot. Now ask yourselves. Did I just schizophrenically invent this and also all the socks responding to the FB accounts, OR AM I TELLING THE GODDAMN TRUTH AND DESERVE SOME HELP GETTING OUT OF THIS MATRIX OF LIES SO WE CAN STOP WWIII?
  17. Ok but I want Idris Elba to play me otherwise the story will be too Jewey and white.
  18. This is the story of how the coin plan was started, and why everyone involved began a massive harassment campaign. The coin plan is worth trillions. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/UZDit4ES26gZbn7X/ This is plenty of evidence for anyone to see that something is happening. DBY died soon after this and his piece of shit son Tal took over.
  19. Then this cunt started playing in, and other "Rothschild" accounts, so I played along, because I was expecting a sane discussion. I was expecting a sane discussion, and didn't think it strange that a bunch of sock accounts were fucking with me, BECAUSE THAT'S THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING. No bigger event in science. All of the harassment is verifiable on FB, and Jay was watching all of it. Ask yourself why Jay would call me schizo while watching what was happening on those FB accounts?
  20. This is why Jay calls me schizo. You can go see all this stuff on the FB profiles. Some dude named Michael Moon got involved, told me I work for the Rothschilds, and started tagging me "Joe Rothschild". Go look it up yourselves on FB. The evidence is in plain sight.
  21. What needs to happen is we need to leverage the theory to force NATO to concede Ukraine, then everything I've written needs to be pulled off every social network, and we need to have a rational discussion. This is not about the credit. I don't care about the credit. I want a normal life outside the control matrix forced on me by British elite, and I want sane people to discuss what to do and develop a plan. What I've written causes world wide chaos. I don't want chaos and I don't want to be famous. I want to stop the war, have a life, and have sane discussions.
  22. I do NOT want to publicise the theory. I am rationally considering consequences. I am trying to stop WWIII as quietly as possible. I have the dirt that will force the military industrial complex to stand down but I am banned on every social network and the people involved do not want to go to prison for treason. The theory allows a simulation to be programmed that can be used for nanotechnology, and this can be a very good thing and a very bad thing. The coin plan i developed allows any community to exit from the CBDC that is coming. The UBI that is being negotiated among the elite is worth trillions of dollars. They know they will have to switch to a UBI because robots will take most of the jobs soon. Instead of judging before a fair hearing how about you actually put up a few QPs to debate me. The truth is that many are already aware, but none have debated me, because they know I am right and they also understand the consequences. Do I sound schizo or are you all just preprogrammed to label anything outside your faux intellectual comfort zone? Jay is lying. He has had the coin plan and he used it to get Andrew Tate involved. He doesn't want to admit he abandoned his patriotic duty because he wanted to become a billionaire. He sold the fuck out. You can read this admission on his Twitter page, @hydromerchant.
  23. Piece of shit says I'm schizo because he knows what he did is utterly vile. I survived psychological torture for 5 years in Israel because they wanted to suppress the theory. I've explained this to him. Calling me schizo is his only defense. The theory describes a geometry that has never been described before. No math is need to understand it's the theory of everything just like no math is needed for any average dunce to identify a triangle.
  24. He could easily surround X's office with longhorns and force the needed discussion.
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