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Everything posted by JosephStang

  1. Don't ask why I don't email them directly. Trust me. Just don't. Go yourselves with this printed out and demand they read it and respond. We need ONE PROFESSOR. If one archduke getting murdered can start a world war, than certainly one quantum physics professor can stop it.
  2. Holy shit!!! A sane response!!! I love you!! No militia needed just sane discussion. Ok, first step. Take this to all the quantum physics professors at UT. Tell them it's the theory of everything. Tell them to contact me josephstang94@gmail.com or @TrusteeControlledCurrency on tgram. I don't need debate about whether it's the TOE. Israel is going crazy because they know that it is. I need one PhD that understands it and understands the geometry. The Holonomic Toroid. Summary: A 3d Real Local Hidden Variable Theory with one force. It overcomes Bell’s inequalities with Bohmian style locality by mediating FTL information without energy using a spinning ring. Description: Each electron/proton is a ring. The ring is pure velocity. The velocity is the substance and the motion. The only law is like attracts and unlike repels. The ring spins at light speed. The energy spins in the circumference as it twists in the cross-section. These two velocities create the electric and magnetic force effects. The ring is at equilibrium when the attractive force generated by the twist in the cross section counteracts the repulsive force generated by the spin in the circumference. In the presence of another ring, these two force effects create waves in each other. The waves are deformations in the shape of the energetic ring. Just like waves that move on a rope when you wave it up and down, these waves travel along the circumference of the ring, and because the ring spins at light speed, these waves travel faster than light, without any energy travelling faster than light. This information is energyless FTL information. The waves create precessions in the ring. The precession in the gravity direction is gravity. The precessions in all other directions are nuclear bonding and inertia. The waves on a ring can phase lock with other rings and this causes entanglement. The precessions of each ring define its Heisenberg Uncertainty Sphere. Each ring has a finite amount of circumference to transfer between its precessions, its circumference, and its cross section, and this causes relativity.
  3. So let's make it super simple. Two steps to stop WWIII. 1. Force a discussion on the physics through UT. 2. Use the discussion to get Musk to allow the proof to be discussed on X. See? Austin can stop WWIII. You just have to stop being a bunch of trollish vermin.
  4. Copied from the two threads I've posted. // Here's another way to put it. Israel believes the Jewish Messiah has arrived and they are totally comfortable dragging us into WWIII. That's why Ukraine is happening. Austin could force Musk to let us have a fair and open debate. I have the evidence that will shut down every sociopath warmonger but I'm shadowbanned everywhere because I'm the wrong kind of Jewish Zionist. I'm the sane non-genocidal kind. //
  5. Here's another way to put it. Israel believes the Jewish Messiah has arrived and they are totally comfortable dragging us into WWIII. That's why Ukraine is happening. Austin could force Musk to let us have a fair and open debate. I have the evidence that will shut down every sociopath warmonger but I'm shadowbanned everywhere because I'm the wrong kind of Jewish Zionist. I'm the sane non-genocidal kind.
  6. Not by himself. But Austin could if you force X to quit submitting to Israeli political pressure so we can have a fair world wide conversation.
  7. Here's my tgram. I'll chat with any one who wants to chat. @TrusteeControlledCurrency The number in the screenshot is the piece of shit implicated in the murder plot.
  8. Because X is HQed there. How are you so shockingly dumb you couldn't figure that out from the thread?
  9. You could definitely stop WWIII. But first you have to take your heads out of your asses and realize this is real.
  10. At this point it seems like the Mormons and other Christian apocalyptic fanatics would rather start WWIII than admit what they did.
  11. Someone fixed what Einstein got wrong, and the agent sent to test Israel's response got tortured for 5 years, and the dude whose phone number is in the screen shot decided to prioritize making money instead of doing something about WWIII that will definitely start if you dumbass Americans don't wake the fuck up quickly. Seriously your stupidity is a fucking epidemic. Questioning my sanity instead of just reading the evidence and asking questions. It's horrifying. He's also implicated in a murder plot that he didn't even bother denying. Austin is uniquely positioned to do something about it, but you are apparently mostly just a bunch of dumb cunts.
  12. That is plenty of proof. Understand this is being suppressed. I've explained why. Someone go to UT and demand one of the physics professors there contact me, and someone else find an X employee and ask why I'm still censored.
  13. How about these screenshots of my negotiations with Mossad agent Shahaf? Combine these with the theory of everything explanation in the other thread and it's impossible to argue with for any sane person that doesn't have conflicted motivations. You can just Google him. He is Mossad's guy in the Federation movement. Notice where he thumbs up when I reference the science. When are you clowns going to be able to muster sane discussion?
  14. I want Texas Secession. What do you want?
  15. I'm so naive I believe there's zero possibility those fires are about this.
  16. The mission I was given is take the credit until the Mormon shows up. He hasn't shown up, so obviously, my opinion is the only opinion that matters. Now it's a ridiculous parody of a caricature of itself because everyone knows who I am. But I'm completing the mission, so I'll answer whenever I want.
  17. I'm a Kabbalist. Why would I need socks? What, are we friends now? I'm going to go sleep in this shelter with 20 other guys while you go fuck your girlfriends.
  18. Joseph Stang is starting to feel like this shit started with Randy Macchi before I even got involved. How many dead Mormons are we talking? God bless Charles III.
  19. The Sooners? Wtf. I'm lost. KC is on the breach and rescue team. I didn't know the Sooners had a team.
  20. Said the dude that just asked if the Aggies are on the pedo team while staring at "Texas Secession".
  21. How the fuck would I know which you fall into, Jay? I've been lied to for 7 years, every interaction is controlled, and every time I push for a 10th amendment resolution, Andrew Tate pops up on my feed confirming to me people are leveraging my work to keep me fucked while they make bank. Which army are you in? You tell me.
  22. The teams are pretty clearly divided between Texas Secession, the Mormon Physicist, Joe Rothschild, and the IAA tell-all vs the pedophile army. Anyone not on those teams is superfluous. Anybody unclear on that is superfluous. This is the war against accelerating WWIII.
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