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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Username def checks out.
  2. What a California Aggy comment.
  3. Are you sitting in a room with the McCoy’s or EJ? I can’t figure it out.
  4. Had an early flight this morning and ran into Orlando at security at abia. Felt like he was trying to keep a low profile, but dude sticks out like a sore thumb. Strangely enough didn’t have anything with him. Was around 440am. Didn’t say anything to him but through flashed the horns to him and he returned it. Put your tinfoil hats on before you look up flight schedules and take it for what you will.
  5. I’m putting your mom to work today.
  6. If it does shake out, you can bet your ass every single coach in America will use this as a use case as to why you shouldn’t sign early unless you are 100% percent sure.
  7. Are you implying that if the news broke before he wanted it to, that he would change his mind? If so, why the fuck would he even have floated it out there?
  8. Time to check the fuck out of this thread for the weekend. I imagine that should give you assholes enough time to generate at least 50 more pages.
  9. Nice hedge EJ. Hope you’re right, because if you fuck this up yoill be enjoying frappes while depositing your unemployment check.
  10. 95% of this probably right. If he’s transferring it’s probably already a done deal. If he feels lied to, has opened his eyes to the dumpster fire surrounding Helton, and is genuinely pissed.. he gone. A phone call and assurances from Helton won’t change the shit show that is the USC program overnight. He may have been sold on everything the Trojan program could offer after school, but if that was solely the case he should go play for one of the Ivy’s.
  11. Looks like your wife got a hold of your laptop. Or not. NTTAWT.
  12. No. But I have source that is in the know that sent me an email from a hydraulics salesman whose name was Sydney Carton.
  13. Now you’re just being a fucking liar.
  14. Some idiot $9.95er is about to fuck this up.
  15. The shepherd's pie at O'Neill's is awesome. The place is pretty cool as well - it's in the basement of a historic building. The sushi place in town isn't bad either. At Hayden you deplane on the runway so if it's cold that day, bundle up before getting off the plane. It's not a short walk to the terminal. You can get a shuttle to the Grand but it's not super walkable to anything if you're wanting to leave the resort. Last time I was there, they had Uber/Lyft etc. If you need rentals on anything run by ski haus and ask for Mata. Super nice dude and will actually take you on some pretty awesome lesser known runs if he's not working in the afternoon. If you're taking anyone with you that needs lessons, ask for Robert (goes by Roberto). Younger guy with a beard that was great with our youngest for being her first time skiing. When she was 6. Enjoy steamboat. It's a pretty great place.
  16. I’ll be looking for the hot dude with boobs in a sun devil shirt.
  17. Hitting Breck on Thursday through Saturday for the first time. Any recommendations on food, rentals, etc? We're staying in the middle of downtown.
  18. It's MLK day and most of us are off work. What the fuck else did you expect?
  19. I had a feeling something like this would go down with FWK. He openly solicited money from a family who didn't like it and got put on blast for it. This kind of thing may or may not draw the ire of the NCAA, but the IRS might be interested if there's a whole lot of money flying around that FWK can't explain. If Adidas got popped in men's college basketball, why would they not be using the same model in college football? Oddly enough, Adidas is sponsoring this clown's 7v7 teams. Far from a coincidence. And thank you for your donation @MountainHorn but I'm pretty sure the folks in the athletic department can handle this. No need to insert yourself.
  20. You can do upgrade at the desk if they have open seats. Did Austin -> Heathrow business class this way. Edit: It was $500 just an fyi. Completely worth it if you're on a late flight. The $500 is per leg. Get there early and pay for it so you don't get jumped by people with status.
  21. I just got the notice from SPG to merge everything this morning. Got all my stuff back. The name of the new brand is straight up awful though. "Bonvoy".
  22. Futureman is the captain, vice-admiral, and shit-poor bukkake queen of satire on this board. Just wait until he floors you with his hot takes and quick wit on rugby.
  23. General Booty, San Antonio Cornerstone (6-2/180) Strong contender for the All-Name team.
  24. Nah man. It just means the citations are deep-dish.
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