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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Didn’t even make contact. What fucking game is he watching?
  2. Hard not to root for Moore. Seemed like a good dude that just followed his coach.
  3. Wow! Crazy thing is the pass was there in the end zone.
  4. That dudes like beetlejuice. Gotta say his name 2 more times before that idiot shows up.
  5. Pretty much. Every lake and river everywhere is at flood stage or worse at this point. There's just no where to put the water. Travis is a more a pass through than anything. It's Lake Austin folks that could have some real headaches soon.
  6. Folks on the other side of Mansfield better hold onto their nuts.
  7. Pretty much. Town lake is looking pretty full as well.
  8. As of now, we're considering the boat, day dock, catamaran, and most of downstairs to be total losses. As of 3 or so hours ago the water was already over the beach area behind the house and that was before the evacuation was called for. The caretaker of the property hasn't been able to make it back over to let us know the extent of the damage yet.
  9. I think the ones they're showing now are further up the lake but the elevation is about the same. Fuck. Our place is right next the country club. Boat is docked over by the dam.
  10. Our lakehouse is off island drive in HSB. Looking like a total loss based on reports.
  11. I think there’s a lot of butt fucking going on in aggyland regardless of whether or not football is scheduled for that day.
  12. Wait, so can we try to sleep with her or not? But seriously, with all that’s being said about Candi Fisher, this is the line? Not trying to be combative, but what’s the difference?
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