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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Can you photoshop a Neymar jersey into them?
  2. We’re playing something close to Brazil’s 1’s. What im seeing is a US side that is without a doubt physicality superior to Brazil. Our athletes are flat better, but our footballers are not. We’ve been begging for this youth to play and now they are. Considering who they’re playing, I’ll motherfucking take it.
  3. Texas - 42 Tulsa - 7 It's still fucking Tulsa we're talking about here.
  4. Beck goes. Plain and simple. Kyle Porter the entire last half, not throwing to CJ when no one from Maryland can cover him, just... fuck this guy. This is unacceptable.
  5. Wonder why we haven’t seen Roach. Defense completely different with Wheeler in.
  6. Have to say we look like we have a competent but not amazing line.
  7. It does feel like Herman took over playing calling in the second. First quarter had Beck’s stink all over it.
  8. I met him at a meet and greet for the Vikings way back in the day with my uncle who was a huge vikes fan. Super nice guy. /csb
  9. Run and hide. We’ll be on LBJ this weekend though. If anyone’s in Horseshoe bay, come swing by casa de MailRoom. We’ll have the game playing and plenty of suds.
  10. That’s awesome, but it’s a little too close to the colt chronomter that’s my daily watch.
  11. It's Bonus time at the office. I was thinking about picking up one of these two. I think the B&M Club Indian is a gorgeous watch, but I've wanted a B&R for a while. Thoughts?
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