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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Big swing and a miss on Lottie Hensley. She looks real rude. https://www.google.com/search?q=lottie+hensley&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjPrZmh2qjcAhUDslMKHYS6BcsQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=826
  2. Considering this stupid cunt lives in a crappy 3/2 on a quarter acre lot in college fucking station of all places, I'll go ahead and disagree on what it takes to achieve financial success.
  3. I be this guy likes being purposefully wrong so he can shove all the sausage he wants into that mouth of his.
  4. No. He's saying he's Frankenstein's monster.
  5. 1. Good call on the ipad. 2. It should function just like her phone did and all the setup will happen when it's powered on for the first time. 3. That because not everyone that uses an ipad speaks english. 4. It wont come fully charged, but should have a residual charge so you can set it up. 5. It will be different but similar. You'll sign into your itunes and not your amazon acccount. 6. Yes. As password of 4 or 6 numbers is usually the default security. Not sure if the model you have has fingerprint biometric security.
  6. Google is your friend. It appears he was at memorial once so I'd say yes. https://www.perfectgame.org/Players/Playerprofile.aspx?ID=510563
  7. We officially caved today and hired a night nanny service. Monday through Friday from 10pm to 6am. $25 an hour. The nanny will handle everything while we sleep and will sleep train the baby. We're going to have her around for 3 weeks to see how it works out. $3000 to keep our sanity in tact.
  8. Honestly didn’t know his rank and referred to him as “Mr.”. Instead of being disrespectful and assuming a lesser rank. So go fuck yourself.
  9. Welcome home Calvin. And thank you for your service Mr. Anderson.
  10. Yup we’re done here. PM Derka for your gold jacket.
  11. She’s breastfeeding. It’s not gerd or colic. We think she’s just a hyper aggressive eater and gives her self a lot of gas. We’re going to try mylicon/gripe water before and after feedings. The gas is pretty bad - she has adult sounding burps and struggles to squeeze out poops.
  12. Mrs.'s FromTheMailRoom and I are strongly considering "No Mas" after kiddo number 2. We're officially sleeping in separate rooms and in shifts because numero 2 isn't sleeping, at all. We've tried shushers, swadddles, pretty much everything. I'm too old for this shit. @T’Boo Ted Marshall Apologies I haven't gotten back to your email. Shits pretty cray around the MailRoom house right now.
  13. Now that is fucking poetry. Robespierre level shit going on.
  14. Some of those fucking things get outrageous. The 7 year old and I have a tradition where I take her there every year for father's day. She's done $70-$80 worth of damage there before on more than one occasion.
  15. Maybe EJ tried to 69 CTJ? The story behind this is going to be fucking epic and good for at least 5 pages.
  16. And reflexes. Holy fuck I could be an NHL goaltender right now.
  17. She still a couple of weeks old, but the wife and I feel like we've aged years in those few weeks. We're both not super heavy or late sleepers but we're definitely the types that need some semblance of rest in order to function. We'll give this a shot and report back. Last night was better. Instead of being up every 30min to an hour, she was sleeping in three hour bursts. It's amazing what a little sleep can do.
  18. Mrs.’s FromTheMailRoom and I are about to cave. Anyone have any contacts or recommendations for night-nannies or full time nannies for that matter? I’ll shave a year or two off of retirement for a good night’s sleep.
  19. Can't believe everyone missed the obvious but....
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