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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Now that Sweden has realized they shouldn't depend on a defensive midfielder to score with Mexico playing shitty D, Sweden could blow this open. And that's the third fucking time Forsberg didn't even put it on goal. W...T...F...
  2. Unless Mexico gets it's shit together on defense the second, I see Sweden winning this 2-0. Even at 36, Zlatan would have hung a hat trick on them in the first half. And that was a very deliberate hand ball by Hernandez.
  3. No. One them has to be Thujone and it’s up to us to figure out which one is his sock.
  4. Went to the same high school as Yako13. Dude is nuttier than an elephant turd.
  5. Having a martini with breakfast this morning. Last time I'll be able to do this for a while. Wife and I expecting our 2nd little girl tomorrow. Super pumped!
  6. Their garlic crackers are insanely good and are only $1 a box.
  7. Who says it’s a wig?
  8. When we fly the whole fam out for OV's we don't fuck around with the whole family part.
  9. Jesus fucking christ they are working themselves into a froth over what a mid 70’s grandmother has to say.
  10. Calm the fuck down. I didn't anoint the guy or claim he walked on water. Unless you really consider what I say to have that kind of impact. Which if that's the case, you need to have a serious internal conversation about level-setting.
  11. If this is indeed the case, I have a lot of respect for Footwork King regardless of where the kids he trains go.
  12. They do. The project is called “Goo Punchers”.
  13. Someone needs to remind them that Jimbo promised them a no. 1 recruiting class. They may get that after a couple more lumps of bread. Maybe ol’ Jimbo should have told them that he didn’t define how long they would have that no. 1 spot. ”we didn’t lose the no. 1 class, the croots just ran out of high school years.”
  14. She had her bond lowered and was released for agreeing to cooperate with the investigation. Called it. And it’s still undefeated.
  15. There can only be one of us in the mailroom...bitch.
  16. This is way the fuck better. I assume you’ve been drinking.
  17. You're kind of pissy today. Bad day at the gif.com office?
  18. This situation is like watching the fiery train of diarrhea crash into Soviet era Russia in slow motion. I cant' tell if I'm entertained, frightened, or excited. It's like sleeping with @South Austin's mom for the first time.
  19. Cam Rising and Crystal Balls have absolutely nothing to do with DB recruiting.
  20. I’m aging gracefully soo.. Fuck you too.
  21. Taylor Hamm kind of looks like a 50 year old lesbian.
  22. It's funny watching you assholes prognosticate about hiring new position coaches when we haven't played a down yet. You dickweeds should stick to lurking. It's a better look.
  23. Your wife seems like she’s pretty mean spirited.
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