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Everything posted by GlenFromTheMailRoom

  1. Be a good son and pony up the $300-400 it's probably going to cost. Not saying to be a dick, just being honest. Plus it's mother's day. Why the fuck would she pay for her own wait staff?
  2. At least you're a realist. Which is why most of us respect your opinions. You have a seat in the pantheon of posters from other schools that don't get random scat gifs sent to them. and changing avatars is playing with internet dollars.
  3. Then put your purse down and put the money on the table. Anonymity is your friend here. Otherwise, half the demented fucks that post here would have been in jail a long time ago.
  4. There should be some type of friendly wager between @closetojumping and @TrojanPrincess for Texas/USC . Someone has to use the other school's avatar or something.
  5. Which one of you assholes will be the first one to go behind enemy lines to try to snag some loose Candi?
  6. I'm assuming it's a traffic issue. The site is probably flooded right now.
  7. Fucking account creation isn't working.
  8. I thought your sole responsibility was reaction gif's? Cut that well reasoned, in-depth play analysis bullshit out.
  9. Have a coke and smile dude. Clearly this your first time flying. You must be really excited.
  10. Priority boarding doesn't really mean shit on a flight with assigned seats.
  11. Don't forget Max. That shit's pretty waspy as well.
  12. I cant believe people pay him for this shit. There's no actual info in there other than saying "he visited and both schools are going to recruit him to the end". Yeah, no shit smurf.
  13. Not to shit on you man, but you’re contradicting yourself.
  14. about as much as your mom does when this dick is in her mouth.
  15. Someone needs to inform future man that this is how you do satire/absurdism.
  16. He might come back if we give him a gold jacket and some rep.
  17. Leon O’Neal is also categorically dumb so there’s that.
  18. Lots of crying and awkward sexual encounters?
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