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  1. It’s from mary Vasquez of enchiladas Ole. Keith Hicks was involved but he needs a double lung transplant.
  2. Don’t cook in the soak water. The quick soak works where you boil the soak for a couple minutes and take off heat and soak a few hours. I will start with a chopped onion and garlic, sweat them in bacon fat, then add smoky ham and get a little Maillard and fat rendered, add a ham bone from the freezer, add water and make a broth. Then add the beans. Season as you wish as you cook. Obviously it’s best with pintos but works with black beans or blackeyes. Does not work with the abominable red kidney bean which is a spawn of Satan.
  3. Heb mansfield aisle 6. Tom Thumb has them. Walmart has dropped them, and is out of all Dukes Mayo products. As a concern from your post I ordered 2 jars from Tom Thumb. I think there are some weird issues with certain brokers/ distributors. These are essential and the only chipotles I use because the canned ones are a pain in the ass and wasteful.
  4. For what? Go watch it on peacock, or don’t. It’s just various commentary like Sandy covering her ass for not firing jono and Ellie blaming Aesha for everything wrong I. Her life.
  5. Paid by whom? The 6000 folks paying for dumb zone? They are independent contractors. The money they make or don’t is on them.
  6. Cheifs got the benefit of a ton of missed and bad calls last night. Spagnola calling a TO. The OT jumping early or rocking on damn near every play. The sideline shoving of roquan smith. Ridiculous. And Rashee should have been suspended for the season.
  7. Kick it from the 25.
  8. I wish they’d go back to at least 30 days. And do away with some of the really complex immunity plays; it’s like Dr Pepper poker. And have the gross food challenge and the food auction.
  9. KC - Ravens kicking off at 7:20. Currently pouring down rain.
  10. https://ew.com/survivor-47-cast-contestants-revealed-photos-bios-8704968 Here’s the cast. I would like a season with folks who’ve never seen the show. This cast looks like every other recent cast.
  11. The Aldi version is a perfect knockoff of the Girl Scouts version. Like $1.97 a package.
  12. I like these suggestions. The double fry idea is intriguing. I wonder if instead of a regular oven , putting in the air fryer instead. The more I look at it this project will wait until I retire. I believe it’s like golf; you gotta play at least once a week to be decent. I won’t do that. Too much mess. I’ll just stick with doing chicken fried chicken.
  13. For those that are bean ignorant, if you are using dry beans of any type you need to sort them. It’s quick but you don’t want to bite down on a rock. I also remove broken beans, split beans, and gnarly looking ones. Wash them as well. They are raw ag products and tend to have some dirt and insect parts in that bag. It’s a shame Texas children aren’t taught how to make a pot of pinto beans, a mess of collards, and corn bread before they graduate high school. If the shit goes down knowing how to make dry beans edible, turn weeds into food, and making corn bread might be the key to survival like it was in 1866.
  14. It’s great to see Texas traditions are continued . This is greatness.
  15. That’s how I like them. Butter, a shitload of powdered sugar, lots of lemon. I’ve put lemon zest into the batter that makes it a bit more lemony. It all combines into a fantastic lemon syrup . And cast iron adds to the pancake.
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