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Posts posted by Texzilla588

  1. c6615de268e444077cdb76b3ac389102.jpg
    While we’re getting nostalgic this is the best dog we ever had. We got him when he was 6 and lost him at 17. Buddy the Jack Russell. Headstrong demanding and smarter than most people. But he bonded to my wife and rarely left her side. A good boy that I’ve missed for 8 years now.

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  2. Minus the syrup, I keep all that stuff in the fridge after opening.

    That’s he point of the thread is just seeing what different folks do. I really don’t care. Just curious.

    It’s like folks whining about well done steaks and ketchup on hot dogs. I ain’t eating it so I could give a shit.
  3. It's largely based off last season..... I see no reason anyone would rank any of those players you listed ahead of Dak considering the criteria and while he and Cousins are similar top lines careerwise, Dak is the superior player when you add in the rushing aspect and if you look under the hood a little more closely, Dak's advanced are well ahead of Kirk's.  But yea, rating Mahomes at 3 or 4, whatever it was, is just jealousy at this point.

    Dak is 16. Cousins 92 or something. I’d say they’re the same player. Losers. I give a lot more weight to playoff winners, but since most of the voters are on the couch in January I guess they don’t value that as much.
  4. Kristen Faulkner is quite an impressive young woman. She’s from the boonies, went to Harvard, was a top notch rower there, got into investment banking, took up cycling as a hobby, won a gold medal. Wow. 

    What a fucking win. That last push with a few klicks left just crushed the leaders. They just slowed down to a leisurely ride. Faulkner looked like Secretariat she was so far ahead. Good for her. She was I. This race by accident. She’s there as a track cyclist which is her love as it’s more like rowing to her.
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  5. 53a09aebb60ff742122fbfa2c4d95f03.jpg
    This is River. She belongs to my next door neighbor who sits in his garage day and night and lets her sit in the front yard. She never leaves the yard except..

    When our terrier died last year I had a ton of treats leftover. So I’d occasionally give her one. She’d start coming into my garage if she heard me. She figured out that if the mail lady came I would go out to the box. If the Amazon truck came or grocery delivery I would come out. And she trained me to give her a treat. So now she will come on over as the truck leaves and stand in front of the Ring as she knows I’m coming with a treat. She is such a big sweet girl.

    She has helped my wife cope with the last loss, which always starts with a resolute “I can’t do another one”. River is breaking down that wall. Wife loves this dog and now River passes by me to look for the wife. Good girl.

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  6. 16

    When I was 16 the drivers Ed teacher was the definition of Milf. Had I been lucky enough to get some of it I certainly was old enough to know not to tell anyone. I believe most of these women get caught because their young lovers can’t keep their mouth shut.
  7. This has been going on for years. There are fewer people in western Nebraska or eastern Colorado than in 1890. Ag changes are part of it but the real culprit has been the loss of manufacturing jobs in small towns. The mattress factory, the carburetor plant, the shoe factory have all gone to China.

    I worked from 07-13 for a national TV distributor. Had 9000 dealers, every small town had a “court square TV /appliance/ furniture” dealer. Most had a rent to own guy, a credit furniture house, and an emporium on the highway that sold all kinds of shit like utility trailers and swamp coolers. that number was half by 2013.

    Only the really good ones survived, but they’re dying out. Not the biz but the owners. The kids want nothing to do with the small town or the business, and now live in Albuquerque or Denver. They get stuck because it's hard to get loans for a new owner, do they sellboff their inventory and lease or sell the building.

    smart towns are doing what they can to attract remote workers with moving allowances and housing grants. durango co set the bar and smart towns see it as a cheap date. but you have to have some proximity to a big city, good schools, and a good quality of life. WF is fucked

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. `
    You're a fucking savage, and I expect you to shit your pants on the regular.
    We have a bottle of Heinz ketchup around, and it says "refrigerate after opening"
    We also keep mustard.  The cheap grocery-yellow stuff, and "Bijan" brand.  Both say to refrigerate after opening.  
    As to BBQ sauce, I have a bottle of Stubbs Original.  It also says to refrigerate after opening, but in a different manner..."stick in the fridge" or some such.
    Soy sauce also says "refrigerate after opening".
    Hot sauce?    I've got a bottle of Trader Joe's Sriracha, which says "refrigerate after opening" as well as their green sauce which says the same. 
    Maple Syrup?  We've got a jug of "Kirkland" from Costco, which says "REFRIGERATE AFTER OPENING YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE MORON".
    Your DIL is infinitely smarter than you.  You're lucky your son found a woman that's not an idiot, because your son was raised by fucking raccoons.

    Fucking everything says refrigerate after opening because lawyers not food scientists run big food conglomerates.

    Your food also has sell by and best by dates which have nothing to do with actual food spoilage; they are marketing cues to get you to throw it out and buy more. Enjoy your ice cold worchestershire sauce dipshit.
  9. Just got a smashburgef at sonic. Looked nothing like the pic but no surprise. For $6.49 and the pic I expected a bigger burger. It’s small, about the same size as a standard McDonalds double cheeseburger. The burger patties were anything special, the potato bun gummy, and it reeked of old grease. They forgot the pickles. Two bites and into the trash.

    Nowhere close to an average Whataburger . It wasn’t as good as a McDonalds double cheese burger at $3 or a QPC. No need to eat at Sonic for me going forward; just a drink every once in a while. ab57815f13f5db160e1290103bf17c47.jpg

  10. I have a perfect daughter in law except for a few minor things. We have a continuing disagreement over storage of condiments. She refrigerates all of them. Including fast food packets.


    So in our house this be what we have in the fridge:


    Mayo and all salad dressings

    Seafood cocktail sauce

    Hoisin sauce

    Oyster sauce

    Coconut aminos


    Not in fridge:




    Hot sauce

    Barbecue sauce

    Soy sauce

    Maple syrup


    DiL has all of it in the fridge.

  11. My boss had a meeting with some investor dude. The guy is basically buying failed hospitals and turning them into plush cash only drug rehab joints focusing on folks in critical High paying jobs that cannot risk exposure. Gets anywhere $20 to 30k a month drying out pilots, doctors, politicians, biz execs, etc. Fucking shame. He also makes money with lesser joints providing court mandated and paid for drug rehab. If you’re in the middle you’re fucked.

    • Rage+1 3
  12. My grandmother worked at the State School outside Mexia for about 20 years as a night attendant until about 1970. She could have a short temper. She didn’t talk much about it but I can’t imagine the place which I believe was a dumping ground for all kinds of poor kids with a variety of mental problems.

    For all the talk these days about mental health and recognizing it, it’s really just a dumping ground for Big Pharma and employers giving extra days off to avoid real benefits.

  13. You'll sit there and wallow in your shit and like it!  We're ahead of schedule. 

    My dad was the opposite. If he wasn’t working he wasn’t on schedule. So if we were driving somewhere, say from Memphis to ft worth to see his folks, there might be a detour or two. He’d think nothing of pulling off i30 to go thru Exarkana to eat chili dogs at Guys Big Orange or head down a dirt road in southeast Arkansas because he’d never been down it. It was 8 hours straight thru but sometimes he took 14.
  14. Got some of that "WTF, why did you move there?" in my ancestry.  Two grandparents born/lived/died in Munday, the other two born/lived/died in Rhineland. 
    Growing up, Dad worked on the watermelon and potato farms in the area.  Would have been the mid-60s as he was born in '48 (happy 76th today, Dad.  RIP). Mom's crew was cousins of the Zeissels, unfortunately no ownership in their fertilizer business. But Mom and dem all got out, educated, and did pretty good for themselves.  
    Mom and Dad married at St Joseph's in Rhineland, I was baptized there just a few months later, heh.  Then on to bigger and better things in The Big WF, where I spent the next 20ish years. Fowler, McNiel, Rider, 2 years at MSU, and finally enough balls to gtfo and down to The Forty.
    We may not know each other, but we definitely had relatives who knew each other. 

    My dad and his siblings were born in Munday, they moved to Handley in 34 (now East FTW.). My grandfather’s family farmed out there. I guess the well water out there had tons of calcium in it and hence their teeth were like steel.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. Wichita Falls is the Laredo of North Texas
    And fuck the cops in Holliday and Henrietta. 

    Fuck the ticket mill known as Claude TX between Amarillo and WF. Defines shithole. Tickets are the only rev source. They line em up on 287. Their speed guns go out 5 digits so if you’re driving 35.00017 you’ll get a bigass ticket. All assholes. The whole town. Fuck you Claude.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. Goodbye, Rocket-man. May you spend eternity bounding through fields.

    I always dread opening this thread because of news like this. So sorry your family has suffered this loss. It’s so painful. I’m a man of faith and believe all our dogs will be with us in the next phase; Billy Graham said it couldn’t be heaven without our dogs. This is the rock I center my faith on. So Rocket will be there for yall. But pain free and at his best self. Good boy Rocket.
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