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Posts posted by Texzilla588

  1. I think they cast people to be unlikeable.
    Negga had to be unlikeable so Rusty didn't seem so unlikeable. I mean, who wouldn't have had an affair if that was your wife?
    Nico literally drove my wife and I crazy. But it worked, and it was perfect for fucking with Molto.
    Molto lost because there was no biological evidence, and damn near anyone involved could have killed her. 
    Bill Camp and Peter Saarsgard were top notch.

    They only took his car. I thought at the time that was dumb police work. And once the affair came out the police would have looked to either eliminate or include the wife as a suspect. Sloppy writing f all around.

    Wife called the daughter out as the murderer after that first scene where she got in bed with Rusty to talk about the trial. If b didn’t do it then I think she would have suspected Rusty and at the least sent him to stay in the cabana.

    They showed the family all happy at the end. A murderer daughter, a likely fucked up son, a cheating lying husband, and a pissed off wife.

    I think his actions of withholding evidence, attempted bribery of the dude in prison, the hiding of information, threatening others like the ME, would get him disbarred. Bye to the spooky grey house.
  2. Solid but they Apple’d it up.

    - So a privileged Gen Z teenage goes from pouting in her poorly lit room to brutally murdering her father’s mistress. WTF? I mean give us some kind of arc. Maybe she’s getting in fights at school or something. Anything. They had to tweak the movie’s twist, but there’s a correct way to do it. 
    - Dis they waste Negga? Her character is horribly unlikeable, and she’s not the killer. 
    - I don’t think they let Jake G play it dark enough. He’s an asshole throughout the series, but he’s deeply concerned about other people thinking he’s a good guy. Just let him go full fucking Nightcrawler. 
    - How did Malto lose? He was better than Rusty throughout the trial and totally outclassed him in the closing arguments. I guess the handsome lawyer couldn’t have done it defense won out?
    - Nico’s accent what was that? Slightly regarded lisp tinged with resting bitchiness? It’s funny I think it mostly worked given the actor’s appearance.
    - The movie was much better.  Unquestionably Raul Julia’s best part and performance. 


    The whole family are sociopaths. Does the son know? How do they stay together?

    How do the cops not investigate the wife after they learn Rusty had a long obsesssive affair with his mistress.. no way that car was clean after splitting a head with that poker. “Wiping down” doesn’t clean it of blood; luminol would have lit up.

    And Carolyn just happened to have a huge spool of nylon rope?
  3. I actually don't mind Daemon being flummoxed and taken down a peg this season and struggling with a bunch of inferior house Lords and a castle that's falling apart and dealing with the witch who is obviously manipulating him to some degree. I think it's an interesting use of his character because, frankly, I thought his character as this impetuous and impulsive loose cannon great warrior was contrived and stupid and is a worse option.

    That could all been accomplished in a couple of scenes. Instead he’s stuck in an Emily Brontë novel wallowing in his angst and mother love.

    The whole show is a contrived ball of shit with a low budget and shitty writers.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. The tiny curated selection on Apple TV is so much better than the 50,000,000 shitty products on Netflix. Anytime I try to find anything to watch on Netflix, I just end up browsing for 15 minutes and give up.

    Lots of good stuff on Netflix. The various racing and sports doc series like F1, NASCAR, track, indycar, Tour de France, QB1, last chance U. War and history docs. Vikings Valhalla. Mindhunter. Tons of originals that are very good plus British and Irish shows. And all kinds of cheese dating shows including Korean, Polish and Spanish ones.
  5. HEB makes better BBQ than Dickeys...

    A can of alpo is better barbecue than fucking Dickeys. The Tarrant County locations are constantly in the heat of the health department.
    • Haha 1
  6. You send me an unsolicited poo pic and I’m tossing you overboard. Also how is that dinner convo. Cmon now 

    If you watch the Below Deck After Hours show Aesha criticizes her crew for making chitchat with guests while making drinks. And then brags about her shit. I bet she puts that boyfriend in an aroma casket and shits in it. Totally inappropriate subject; should have been fired. If I’m the boat owner I’m firing everyone on the crew. Breaking shit, driving into shitty rocky ports (why wouldn’t you park out and send guests to Hydra on the launch?), losing anchors, can’t dock. Fucking Sandy…Joe can be the lead but he’s incompetent and just needs to learn. Yep the insurance company will love that shit.
  7. Why evacuate at all?  Did anyone else get the impression that leaving was safer than hunkering down in the castle? Angry mob looked like 50 people tops.

    I have a fucking huge ass castle with hundreds of soldiers. I’m gonna leave abandoning my burned and broken king-son. Are we sure it’s not Issa Lopez from the last True Detective running this shitshow?
    • Haha 2
  8. I stand well and truly chastised, Sir. Let us at least agree that Chuy's sucks.

    Certainly. Chuy’s sucks balls. One can live great TexMex and have disdain for Chuy’s. Love barbecue and hate Dickeys. Love ice cream and hate Blue Bell.
  9. First ep of Those about to Die and was disappointed. I am a Roman history buff and like stuff with scenes of regular life . So far it’s not Rome or Spartacus series, especially in terms of nekkid women.

    Peacock has some good stuff without commercials. They just dropped all 7 seasons of The Closer. Every ep of Dateline and a ton of true crime shows. The Traitors from US, UK, Australia, and NZ. All of Bravo shows no commercials so Top Chef, BD, and other stuff. All the nbc owned cable channels live but no DVR functions. Some decent originals.

  10. I was a little high which makes me overanalyze TV but that scene where the “queens” were threatened by the small folk felt very poorly acted and put together overall 

    Why would they exit the queens out the front with like 6 dudes against the mob rather than exiting out the various back ways including the exit to the ocean?
    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 1
  11. Take out the Tex, you got Mexican. Take out the Mex, you got... I dunno. Whatever they eat in Tennessee.

    Can you just stay in Mexico? Obviously you have zero clue about evolving foodways as people migrate around the world. TexMex is as legit a cuisine, centuries in the making, dating back to Spanish colonization. Do you complain about the fact the Italian food the world enjoys was invented by starving southern Italians who left famine for the abandazza of America? Or that the Chinese or Thai food in Mexico has been Mexicanized
    • Like 1
    • Drool 1
  12. Fucking cunt. That poor kid. Probably endured hell in his own life prior to being assigned to this fat bitch. We need more fosters but we have to improve screening g and monitoring. She obviously was doing it for the money.


    Begged the neighbors to adopt him. Lived in fear of this cunt. There needs to be an extensive investigation into her to stack convictions to keep her in prison. Or better, let her be crushed to death. You’d need a full loaded shipping container.

    • Rage+1 1
  13. I'm not glad she's dead, but I am glad she is out of office.

    She was a product of gerrymandering. And a fine example of the power of incumbency and the need for term limits, especially in The House. If she’s still on the ballot in November he will win. She’ll likely be replaced by a younger similar version. That will be in office 40 years.
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