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Posts posted by Texzilla588

  1. If you can’t see why he’s a slimeball that’s your problem not mine. He’s the stunt guest du jour and he’s as entertaining as a barbed wire enema.

    I really was annoyed with his chaos cooking segment on Top Chef as he couldn’t define it or adequately judge it. Total waste of Christina Tosi who should have been the primary for the episode.

    His fast food drop in on barbecue showdown was equally lame.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. The scene where Rusty got all self-righteous about his wife kissing (gasp) another man was just stupid. Motherfucker carries on a multiple year affair with a coworker, is smack dab in the middle of a murder trial over her death, and has the audacity to not only get indignant over his wife's revelation, but also lay hands on her? He's damn lucky that she didn't just shoot his ass right there. 
    Although I don't think Molto killed her, I do think he's the one who tied her up post-mortem. I'm going to say that it was Rusty's son who killed her with the "thin heavy object" (baseball bat?), and his motive will be that he was pissed that dad was cheating on mom. Again. 

    He should be more concerned that she’s day drinking. I thought the kiss reveal was stupid as well. Rusty and Raymond’s wife both asked for us, why did you tell me this now? The reaction was just bad writing. A kiss? I was obsessively stalking my coworker and fucking her forever, impregnated her, might have murdered her and you pay me back by kissing the bartender?!?! I thought for a minute she wanted to see if he would break and reveal the rage to kill.

    Was Carolyn bound up in the book/movie? It’s the primary clue imo. We know it’s almost identical to Bunny’s bindings but different enough to indicate a different murderer. But with knowledge of those bindings. Have they said if the bindings were pre or postmortem?

    I’m with you thinking someone bound her and another stabbed her. Her son to me is as much a possibility as Rusty’s. He had been abandoned by her, was obsessively filming her, and obviously was upset by her fucking and giving other men attention and him zero.
  3. Hating on him when he has a ton of hours showing him cooking on the internet, including in an actual tiny apartment kitchen on his Vice show, is wild. 

    Again he's goofy as fuck. He rubs a lot of people the wrong way for sure. Honestly if you are an old, I bet you fucking HATE him.

    He's all of those things but as far as I know he doesn't have a domestic or sexual assault past nor has he screwed folks out of tips not has he pulled a John Mueller and screwed investors.
    BUT if he has I want to know.

    The fun of hating on Matty is it gets the cackles up of all his knobpolishers.
  4. Why the hate for Matty? Slimeball?

    He’s a slimeball. Cant cook. Failed restauranteur. Revels in his filth. A Canadian shouldn’t be on a barbecue show. He’s popping up everywhere as the designated “very special guest” from the Bear.

    He had zero biz on top chef either.
  5. New season of Barbecue Showdown has the owner of KG's competing. 

    Seems to be a better season though the times they give them to cook seem really short. There were some good cooks this season, and KG looks like he makes some good stuff. The woman from Kingwood also makes interesting food.

    But of course, what show can exist without a visit from slimeball Matty Matheson. WTF he’s a Canadian he knows nothing about barbecue. Wish he’d disappear.
  6. Costco is my Disneyland, it's such a magical place. I impulse buy there so much it's becoming a minor problem. I went in for laundry detergent and Salonpas patches and came out $350 later with only one of them.  Rinse and repeat every other week. 

    If you get a hot dog you can claim you’re also saving big on lunch though we know it’s a $350 hot dog.

  7. We had a 1969 Buick Electra 225 with a 430 cubic inch engine. It actually occupied two zip codes.

    A fraternity brother around 80 bought a beater 73 Cadillac Fleetwood for almost nothing. It was the size of a box car , the longest U.S. passenger car ever made. The back seat was more like a sofa, and it had 7 cigarette lighters, so every passenger had ready access for lighting up. It got like 5 miles a gallon; shit my 70 442 got 6.5.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 3
  8. New season of The Mole features this young lady. She is built for speed if you know what I mean. Great ass and on top of everything else, she seems fairly sharp on the show.

    She is super hot and appears to be one of the smartest players this season.
  9. Matty Mattison is a fraud as a chef, actor, or funny guy. I loathe him. I would not eat his food as he appears to have skipped the hygiene lessons from the health department. He should die as a character here. And go back to irrelevance in Canada. An unpopular opinion but he is unwatchable.

    • Haha 3
  10. Beasley was only a threat at all because of the attention Dez got. Dez and Ceedee are real #1 guys who are playmakers. Beasley isn't even close.

    And to think Beasley walked out of his rookie training camp and Garrett went and called him in to coming back. Weenie. Both of em. Jimmy would have sent him to the asthma field.

    Beasley took a ton of plays off and would disappear for whole games.
  11. I’m interneting right now dick head! We didn’t know the show exists because we don’t have cable. 
    Maybe too much Below Deck turns a person into you. 

    The issue isn’t whether you have cable. You can watch tv if you have internet access. Or an antenna. Or a cell phone. All these shows exist in other planes.
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