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Posts posted by Texzilla588

  1. I’m certainly not shy about bagging on shows that miss the mark for me, but I’m not getting all the complaints for these last couple pages. I think the actors are all doing a fine job and the story is hitting the right beats. For instance I’m fascinated by Sandra Westgate’s character even though there’s a good chance we never find out what she was doing.

    I wasn’t feeling the CGI early on but that has totally fallen away. Badass show.

    I was hoping we see more of Sandra Westgate. In bed. Nekkid.

  2. Then finish WT101 bottle and open another.

    You missed a couple things. 1. Mustard. French’s yellow. On the bun. 2. Weapon. It just completes the still life with WT101
    1. Raging Bull
    2. Rocky
    3. Moneyball
    4. Major League
    5. Kingpin
    Honorable Mention Because the are not directly about "Sports":
    • Color of Money
    • Caddy Shack
    • Big Lebowski

    The Hustler is a way better movie than Color of Money.

    Lots of great movies listed in thread, very few I disagree with. I am glad we haven’t seen the dreaded “sport not a sport” painful essay come up.
  3. Not like they KNEW what the next challenge was going to be so can't really say voting off Jelinsky cost them the challenge.  I think Jess not having access to her ADHD meds really affected her.  Being introverted didn't help either.  But them losing that challenge was not all on her.  A lot them have had poor performances so far.  I pointed out last week when we were watching that Tiff was pulling on that stupid gecko when Jeff was telling them that they had to lift it over.  Just a stupid tribe overall.  Not quite as bad as the Lulu tribe.
    Another thing is the whole fake idol.  You already have numbers, why play that card so early in the game?  I understand they didn't want her to play her shot in the dark but there are other ways to go about it and not have to waste the fake idol play.  I feel like they were beating Jess down even more when she was already on the outs.  Feel similarly to how they are treating Venus on the other tribe.  A little bit of bullying going on.....

    That Indian guy is such an annoying dweeb I would have probably dragged his ass into the ocean and drownded him. Just shut the fuck up.

    I thought that whole immunity idol ruse just turned into an elaborate high school mean girl contraption that wasn’t really necessary.

    The show’s primary issue seems to be its now mostly players who are superfans who don’t play the real game as good as they imagined they would at home. Traitors just wrapped up and Sandra and Parvati were on it. Seems like it’s been a while since we had that level of player.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. Of course I fucked it up, I was in high school and much more interested in my coworker Kathy Allen, who was smokin' hot and kinda dim to boot.  Perfect.

    This is an underappreciated post. Those who worked fast food in a joint with hot chicks at the counter likely had all kinds of hot monkey sex. In high school I learned everything sex in my stints at McDonalds and Zantigo.

    Late nights closing led to mayhem. Manager buys beer. It’s 2am and you’re 16 and you can get lucky with that 20 yr old mom who wants a little fun before going home. Or have a quick make out session in the walkin with the hot chick that goes to Catholic school. Or get a quickie in the basement. There were some benefits to go with $2.05 an hour.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. Andy Reid father of the year. His home in Philly was a drug den according to court records for his son’s drug trials. Reid and his wife enabled their sons’ drug addiction and that’s why one is dead and the other an unrepentant addict. I’ve been around too much death and tragedy from addictions and enablement is not how they are prevented. It causes them.

    The Chiefs should have told Reid he needed to find his son a job elsewhere. Instead he destroys a family member. He already got a reduced sentence against a reduced charge. And now it’s commuted and he served 16 months. I will bet Andy Reid tries to bring him back.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 1
  6. Couple episodes into The Tourist. Pretty good so far.

    This should have been better than it was but the writing sucked in the last three. We thought fucking Issa Lopez wrote it.

    So the location was Ireland because Jamie Dornan refused to go back to Australia and wanted to stay near the family for filming.

  7. Wendy’s isn’t some mom & pop burger stand that’s having trouble keeping the doors open. They have a 3.7 billion market cap. They absolutely have the time and resources to sit around and think up more ways to increase cash flow. 

    A stock valuation has little to do with the actual nightmares of operating a chain of thousands of stores housing a rapidly expiring inventory. Having been a part of large multi unit retail, the general biz school diktat of Soviet style centralized operations and customer interfaces delivers varying versions of a Moscow GUUM store. The need has been for a more decentralized store/time/situational approach that equates to the flexibility of smaller operations. Most large retailers these days are flailing because they can’t get out of their own way, and are run by finance guys that couldn’t sell pussy to a troop train.
    • Haha 1
  8. Yes, I'm sure Wendy's, a multi-national fast food chain, is just looking out for the consumer and the little guy.  Corporations left and right are just falling over themselves to give something back.

    It’s not about that. Raising prices isn’t the path to higher profits in retail. It’s about cash flow, labor and food costs, rents, a whole lot of wheels to turn. If you have a store that has solid lunch and terrible dinner hours this enables that store to have specials to attract business.

    This isn’t anything new. Do you complain at your independent Chinese or TexMex joint that has a lunch menu with the same enchilada plate for the dollars less than dinner. Do you whine at the Italian joint with a shrimp special on the board because it’s not servable tomorrow night?

    This has been a part of retail forever and technology will simplify pricing and inventory. For a national retailer it takes a lot to do the analytics on promotions. What will be the lift to make the cost of the promotion affordable. Cutting the price on a hot item might drive footsteps but does it drive bottom line. Since they don’t teach real retail in business school, it’s called the “monkey fuckin the skunk”. It feels good but you can only stand so much of it.

    Retailers are too busy trying to stay in business in razor thin margins and get workers to come in as scheduled to make stupid “let’s fuck the customer” strategeries”.
  9. I mean, that's what they're saying now after everyone said "Wendy's can get fucked" with this dynamic pricing bullshit. My personal opinion is that they ABSOLUTELY meant surge pricing and only said "no wait everyone, we didn't mean SURGE pricing! We meant pricing would go DOWN!" after everyone realized Wendy's isn't good enough to get away with that shit.

    You realize raising prices at lunchtime would be the dumbest business move ever in restaurant history, right? This was the result of some stupid marketing person that likely doesn’t even eat burgers writing this.

    Rideshare surge is a result of limited resource (drivers) and too much short term demand (riders). The alternatives are shitty too. So it’s intended to attract more drivers to the area.

    Wendy’s are generally in fast food forests with tons of competitors. If you raise prices while people are in line they will leave. And not come back.

    National multi unit megachains have issues with quick pivoting. AI allows a dream scenario where each store can adapt to factors of inventory, labor, demand on a granular level and make specials on the fly to drive revenue or reduce costs. Another instance of innovation that benefits consumers and employees being hammered by a hysterical media and luddites./z
    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Have changed my mind today about torchy's. Went there for lunch. Place was packed. It kinda sucked. I paid attention to the tortillas for the first time and yeah, they kinda sucked. Plus the dude walked around for ten minutes trying to find my table. Just call out the fuckin number. I'd rather go pick my food than the current system. Also the people that work there are not the friendliest type people.

  11. Their chili is made with left over patties from the day before so that tracks.

    It’s not true but what’s the problem if they do? Any successful restaurant figures out how to monetize leftovers, scraps, and excess inventory. And they utilize everything they can to minimize waste. Any barbecue joint that doesn’t meticulously use everything and maintain tight food costs controls will go out of business
  12. There's a lot of really, really,  dumb motherfuckers in pro sports. But Tyreke appears to be distancing himself from the pack in  impressive fashion. If stupidity is a road race, Tyreke's out here running 3 minute miles. I aint gonna lie, I'm excited to see what he comes up with next. 

    I’d like a reality show with Tyreek, Antonio Brown, Johnny Fucking Football, and Deshaun Watson all living together, scrambling for child support money and committing dumb shit crimes.
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