I think you are thinking a retail/service corporation is the same as a coal mining company. Experiential operators like theaters have a ton of challenges getting folks to put down their phone and buy a ticket and cross the lease line. Also in a content creator corporation the driver for them is getting a movie distributed to as many theaters as possible. Sony will have to be competitive in the market to other theaters to ensure their films get as much distribution as possible. I’m a retail veteran with over 50 years experience with national chains, regionals, startups, family operators, dot coms etc, mainly in electronics. In all those years Sony Electronics never got a break from Sony Music or Sony films. In fact Sony Music obstructed several technologies that Sony Electronics wanted to introduce, some of which were actions contrary to the Sony BetaMax case. I’m not a monopolist. I’m a believer in competition. But situations change and content is disseminated and consumed very differently now. Theaters will go away if the business model can’t change. The issue isn’t theater ownership but competition from other formats. Day and date release finally started during Covid and will be the ongoing model.