It’s not about that. Raising prices isn’t the path to higher profits in retail. It’s about cash flow, labor and food costs, rents, a whole lot of wheels to turn. If you have a store that has solid lunch and terrible dinner hours this enables that store to have specials to attract business. This isn’t anything new. Do you complain at your independent Chinese or TexMex joint that has a lunch menu with the same enchilada plate for the dollars less than dinner. Do you whine at the Italian joint with a shrimp special on the board because it’s not servable tomorrow night? This has been a part of retail forever and technology will simplify pricing and inventory. For a national retailer it takes a lot to do the analytics on promotions. What will be the lift to make the cost of the promotion affordable. Cutting the price on a hot item might drive footsteps but does it drive bottom line. Since they don’t teach real retail in business school, it’s called the “monkey fuckin the skunk”. It feels good but you can only stand so much of it. Retailers are too busy trying to stay in business in razor thin margins and get workers to come in as scheduled to make stupid “let’s fuck the customer” strategeries”.