Good God it was hard to find your post in this thread. I think we might either need a new pennystock thread or a new options thread.
I just posted about this on iHub. Potentially very good news PFMS filed for a new director on NVSOS by the name of GOH NAI DE at the address 140 ROBINSON ROAD #09-02, CROWN AT ROBINSON, SINGAPORE, 06890-7, SGP that address coincides with a company that was just created called S.A.M Trade and that name (english equivalent Sam Goh) coincides with the CEO of SAMTRADE FX a rising Singapore Trading Platform SAMTRADE that has been doing all sorts of interesting things lately (sponsoring an EPL league team, getting all sorts of rewards, involvement in blockchain) and doesn't have a US presence. Some people are thinking maybe an IPO
With all the madness honestly I didn't even pay attention. I only have 500k shares but if it is that Sam Goh and this is a SamTrade IPO that could get really interesting.
I'll be posting some DD over at IHub tonight to see if I can get to the bottom of it only have a few grand liquid because XMET just missed my standing .01 GTC sell (which is a bummer given how today went). If I'm convinced enough I may try to bring my position up to 1M especially if there is a dip in the morning