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Everything posted by RCRanger03

  1. Aren't $150k account swings up and down in a month normal for an account started with $3400?
  2. Just bought 1M shares for 0.02 because you gotta be bold and slap that ask to be sure to get in!
  3. Cash in the ROTH and immediately bought 1000 shares of ALPP at $5.7 because fuck my trading rules of only buying under a $1! It wouldn't be me trading if I didn't have ALPP Everything is on sale today. Can't decide what to buy!
  4. TSNP is wild right now. Just lost the $4 support if that is even a thing. Back to where it started.
  5. I got in at .065, I think anything under $0.07 is probably good. Been channeling between my entry and .075 the last 2 days. Nice! Where did you get your sell in?
  6. Always the issue on these changes for me. Was that way for me on QUTR/BRRN which is why I decided not to even try. Somebody is able to obviously lol
  7. I'm just holding, but if you could, when it was over $5 was the time. Dipping now.
  8. Holy Shit. Maybe I was wrong about shorts covering
  9. ALPP is bouncing between $5.90 and $6.50 PM
  10. Long is still the same positive possibilities, and real missing pieces that people have pointed out are still there as well (financials are a mystery, revenue streams, app hasn't been released yet. They've release the call information now, link is automatic login. I left mine spinning to ensure a seat. Hoping it's the app release PR and honestly will be let down by almost anything else.
  11. usually yes, I don't know if George's ploy of a post market press conference is enough. I'm not convinced of a short squeeze, but I think it's interesting that an official PR of the company stated that. I'm a little worried that Foote gave Sharp too much power of the process. In the end I've decided just to hold today. I'm comfortable with losing some profits on this one, XMET made me feel better about my liquidity situation. As I was typing this the first T-Trade came through
  12. I tried to make a clean break, but I was too weak to leave ToS. It's my crutch lol Initial spread on TSNP is pretty strong
  13. Now I'm back on hold with TDA to talk to a manager. Initial customer service rep was like "why would I know that?" to the question of whether or not the ticker would be tradable today. Initial hold was 55 mins, let's see how long this one goes. I guess that gives me time to type my plan post EDIT: Nevermind it was super fast. They confirmed TSNPD will be tradeable today (they did some kind of push on my account and it's recognizing the new symbol now not sure if that is systemwide) they are getting slammed with calls about TSNP specifically apparently, reorg fee will hit today or Monday, gave a company line that across the board all fee reduction requests are no longer allowed. Anyone who got a reduction is grandfathered in. My lazy ass deserves that, even if they are being assholes for charging fees, I should have done it months ago.
  14. Yes there is a ReOrg fee, but only for the R/S. I've been on hold since 6:30am with TDA right now to get some official answers on a few items related to this, but it hasn't hit my account. Below is what yours will look like. Snip from my QUTR/BRRN debacle, it processed the next day after FINRA change, but that was a trading day so you might not see it until Monday. Make sure you're holding settled cash for this purpose. I've heard horror stories of brokers doing margin calls, and force selling stocks without consent to settle minor fees.
  15. Interesting reading on the idea that this action could force shorts to cover. TLDR: R/S doesn't, the name change could. https://www.investorvillage.com/smbd.asp?mb=4143&mn=285556&pt=msg&mid=13388680 Do you trade through an actual personal broker? Most online brokerages sell First In - First Out, so your oldest shares sell first. The free riding deal is a slap on the wrist until it's not and can get your account frozen. Are you trading on Cash or Margin?
  16. To let people know there is a split. Not all splits come with a name change and vice versa, they lumped in the name change into a single corporate action. If this was going to happen now rather than later, my preference would have been to do the name change independently reestablish solidly over $1 or even go on a run into the weekend. Then announce the R/S in a PR so that people would have time to decide what they wanted to do. Then we'd have some wiggle room and the R/S would get us higher towards the Nasdaq listing goal. To have it show up in FINRA and then PR when the chaos was ensuing a little bush league IMO. I don't disagree with this take. Audited Financials goal is where we get to see the pudding. Coming into February XMET, TSNP, and ALPP each were over $100k for me, can we go back?
  17. In terms of R/S size yes this is about as nice of one as could be expected... the danger with the R/S is causing panic and doing it without notice (when you've literally just hyped only the name change) seems to be about as panic inducing as possible. I don't pay attention to George anymore he's a sideshow and honestly a liability to the company. I do believe that pairing this with the audited financials shows they're serious about an uplist. This is exactly however why I didn't want ALPP to R/S I'm interested in the belief that the R/S somehow makes the shorts get out. Need to look into that, because I believe a short position survives a split. I'll post early tomorrow morning what my plans are. I'm riding completely dirty here because as you saw I became so capitivated by the potential, but my inclination right now is to get on free shares soon.
  18. I need time to process this, it's not that I didn't think it was possible, it's actually a necessary step given their SS. I just thought it would so much later in the process once the PPS had a chance to regain it's feet... Also the no notice really irks me.
  19. .92 - .93 or higher would be a great place to finish based on that chart. Basically the bump from this morning would have eaten the dip.
  20. I'm holding, is the PPS cratering or is it staying up near $1? Disappointed that this wasn't foreshadowed or filed instead of just showing up on FINRA
  21. What is the PPS? Did they mention anything about an uplist? 1:4 would put it at $4 if it held $1 Hate to not be able to check
  22. I can't check I'm in a meeting but that is what that means yes
  23. Lol $FPVD I like still being in this just for Lou. He's fun https://medium.com/quantum-economics/bigtokens-offer-to-charlie-munger-a-1-million-wager-that-bitcoin-will-outperform-berkshire-6b2c41b73e57
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