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Everything posted by RCRanger03

  1. SPSO Short term chart for scalping purposes it looks like the first leg would be to .10 The high in December on the news about 7M contract was 0.13 thats the scalp zone. If it can break through .13 that's when things get interesting
  2. Disclaimer for new plays until my money clear for the ROTH I'm playing small and not getting deep into sub pennies SPSO: as a short to medium term play until I can see financials or a PR. If we get considerable movement I might scalp my entry pretty early. RXMD: medium to long for S1 updates PFMS: short - Medium on NVSOS updates MEDH - Medium for ticker change FPVD long by circumstance since on Free Shares, although probably would sell a considerable amount if went back to .10 as penance for my previous decisions. ALPP and TSNP long asf
  3. 4285? I've got ToS open on a second screen since I'm "working" with my office door closed at the moment
  4. Shorts on TSNP pushing it down again are playing with fire. However if they can get it under a dollar for my ROTH cash settlement date, I ain't mad
  5. Sorry shady stonks and stop signs are like peanut butter and jelly lol nope just cuts profits a little. Ask slapping is the number one way to get in on a play that might pop. If you bid sit you'll get a better price sometimes, but sometimes you'll it altogether. Was that you for 750 shares?
  6. It will correct it's broke under .07 which is why I alerted yall in here, if you're bagholding from previous highs you're interested to see what happens. Pretty safe to put a bid on .065, a little riskier to go to .07+ but might pay off. We'll know more when the financials are updated or reason for the restricted shares, but if you wait until that news and it's good you'll be paying considerably more with that little of a float on volume.
  7. No lost hope here. I'm on 750k free shares. The reward is Samtrade moving in without an R/S, the risk is David Lazar plays now seem to always end in an R/S. My advice is to get on free shares if you can on any significant spike (which will probably accompany an update to NVSOS like XMET, but then crash when people see theres an R/S) and let them do what they will.
  8. Took a 40k share starter position on SPSO at .065 and it's come back around to that area today after spiking a 20% yesterday. They trying to get current on financials right now (that's the risk that they wont), but 7M solar deal inked in Q4 and tiny float. They've been becoming active on OTC Markets (very recently restricted another 20M shares which in a dream scenario means and acquisition! More likely that they're vesting an employee), NVSOS and releasing PRs in February. This one is less of meaty pick than RXMD, because we don't know financials. Solar is an interested sector with new admin, this may be a cheap entry. Take a look if you're interested https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/SPSO/security
  9. Have been, I think I might stop posting over there for a while
  10. Welp I'm getting death threats on Stocktwits PM now Was thinking of buying more PFMS yesterday at .007 support. Still considerable risk of the David Lazar special R/S with a name change. Keeping my eyes on NVSOS
  11. I'll look into this tonight. FINRA is usually next trading day. So if it shows up Friday it will happen Monday Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  12. Lagavulins been drunk and the weighted blanket has been... defiled. Good luck at getting the rest from my wife and kids LOL Interestingly enough I think todays development will put me back in a long position on my FPVD Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  13. For a little while I got thrown under the bus for admitting that I trimmed most of my position on the news.
  14. Yes the reason I believe that the R/S is real, is I went through this whole rollercoaster of emotions with QUTR/BRRN and chose poorly IMO 1) SEC filings led us to believe Swiss Billionaire Investment Firm was merging in. This eventually played out and we were correct. 2) NVSOS filings for name change to Born Inc and 1:1000 R/S 3) Many people posted shady looking screenshots, I myself picked them apart and said they seem like bullshit. Narrator: They weren't 4) R/S showed up in FINRA, and people bailed plummeting my investment to 50% of it's previous value 5) I thought hey Swiss Billionaires who were early on PLUG and made a fortune, maybe it's worth holding on because the value is the same just less upside. 6) Held through split and ended up with 400 shares and got charged a fee by TDA to reverse split the shares (which is bullshit if you ask me, but TDA don't give a damn) 7) Shares actually went up and I could have exited at a wash, but I thought hey look at me I was smart and didn't get shook out. 8 ) Nothing followed the rise, no PRs, no filings, silence. and it bleddddddd out back down to 40% of my original value. 9 ) I decided to hold until something happened, which took 4 or 5 months where it bled some more, but popped up a little on an 8k so I thought maybe finally I'd get back around to making some money. 10 ) The 8k was to say that the company was a fashion app for rich people to buy rich people fashion stuff. Not what I signed up for I sold at 40% value, it's now 4x less than that. This may be completely different, but more and more this looks like the Lazar playbook. For XMET I thought that the Share Reduction Theory (which still seems right to me) might shelter it, but nope we've been through steps #1 - 3 so far exactly the same. It cost me about $50k - $70k in additional potential profits to find out if this would be different. I think I can accept that risk when the reward might have been magnitudes more, and I'm still walking away with $50k and a 1M share insurance plan if I'm just dead wrong. Going to start my ROTH IRA project with that and pay off the house...
  15. NVSOS is where it gets filed and FINRA is where it is enacted. If/When an R/S is done you'll see it show up here - https://otce.finra.org/otce/dailyList Apparently I got more than just yall into XMET with my DD because there is a bejezus load of people DMing me on discord, twitter, stocktwits and investorhub. Yall my squad though.
  16. There's spooky SEC rumblings about shutting down shady stonks on the OTC, not sure if we'll find trips again, but I'm looking and now I have $50k to setup new positions. Would seemingly be independent as an 8k from the new company. If the NVSOS came through, it probably means the Court termination happened early and it just hasn't been updated yet. Chinese companys often are lacking in the filing department especially if they take this in the 6k direction.
  17. I sold 6M so I know what you mean. I still believe the R/S is real I'll leave my remaining 1M for whatever comes, but I wish I could trade while not at work. Was in a meeting while this was all happening and my boss had to tell me to get off my phone twice.
  18. Qiao Shouhui - Key Principal on that shows that my DD was right. Just maybe that it's a holding rather than the whole enchilada
  19. People are on tilt. The enthusiam will drain soon and so will the price. I'm not happy at all, but I've been through it a few times
  20. Bright side is that now I have $50k and I can go start my ROTH Project. Which means new ticker DD. I'll be honest it was getting taxing checking these I think after PFMS I'll be done with holding any Lazar plays. He's made me a ton of money, but that's a R/S pattern I can't ignore. I'll play the build up, but not holding no matter how good it looks I left 1M for whatever happens, I'd cry if after all of that I pulled it all out and it was what I thought it was. After today I wouldn't have been able to move volume enough to get out from under 7M shares. EDIT: Seriously get out on the bounce please, it's not worth it unless you have written off the shares. I've been there
  21. Dead cat bounce happening right now. Get your shares unloaded.
  22. Yup I pulled the majority of mine, left 1M that I'll see through the mess for old time's sake, but damn. Sorry folks it went dark side on me
  23. To be clear I'm reducing my shares by a lot, I'll leave a few million, but been through too many of these to hold such a large amount.
  24. XMET word is there may be a reverse split, I'd bail at this point Even if its wrong this is a terrible time for that news to be out there people will tank it
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